Wednesday 26 January 2011

Kardashians In Hot Water

It looks like not everything that the Kardashians touch turns to gold.

The sisters are being sued for a whooping $75 million (approx £48.3m) for allegedly breaking their contract with the company behind their controversial prepaid debit Kardashian Kard.

Kim, Khloe and Kourtney initially promoted the card then reportedly abandoned it after it was revealed that the card was loaded with hidden fees.

Now the sisters are being sued by The Revenue Resource Group for breach of contract after they pulled out of promotional duties.

The Connecticut Attorney General also launched an investigation into the card and RRG lawyer Scott Rudd said that the terminated deal and all the negative publicity surrounding it has "effectively put this company out of business."

The card was taken off the market in November 2010 and a lawyer for the girls said: "The Kardashians have worked extremely long and hard to create a positive public persona that appeals to everyone, particularly young adults. Unfortunately, the negative spotlight turned on the Kardashians as a result of the Attorney General's comments and actions threatens everything for which they have worked."

Luckily, the sisters have each other to get them through this trouble.

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