Wednesday 20 April 2011

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (also known as AAA, pronounced "triple-a") is a localized dilatation of the abdominal aorta exceeding the normal diameter by more than 50 percent. It is caused by degeneration of the aortic wall, but the exact etiology remains unknown. Some 90 percent of abdominal aortic aneurysms occur infrarenally (below the kidneys), but they can also occur pararenally (at the level of the kidneys) or suprarenally (above the kidneys). Such aneurysms can extend to include one or both of the iliac arteries in the pelvis.
Abdominal aortic aneurysms occur most commonly in individuals between 65 and 75 years old and are more common among men and smokers. They tend to cause no symptoms, although occasionally they cause pain in the abdomen and back (due to pressure on surrounding tissues) or in the legs (due to disturbed blood flow). The major complication of abdominal aortic aneurysms is rupture, which can be life-threatening as large amounts of blood spill into the abdominal cavity, and can lead to death within minutes.
Symptomatic and large aneurysms (i.e., those greater than 5.5cm in diameter) are considered for repair by one of several surgical methods. There is moderate evidence to support screening in individuals with risk factors for abdominal aortic aneurysms.
There have been many calls for alternative approaches to rupture-risk assessment over the past number of years, with many believing that a biomechanics-based approach may be more suitable than the current diameter approach. Numerical modelling is a valuable tool to researchers allowing approximate wall stresses to be calculated, thus revealing the rupture potential of a particular aneurysm.
Experimental models are required to validate these numerical results, and provide a further insight into the biomechanical behaviour of the AAA. ''In vivo'', AAAs exhibit a varying range of material strengths from localised weak hypoxic regions to much stronger regions and areas of calcifications. Experimental models can now be manufactured using a novel technique involving the injection-moulding lost-wax manufacturing process to create patient-specific anatomically-correct AAA replicas.
Work has also focused on developing more realistic material analogues to those ''in vivo'', and recently a novel range of silicone-rubbers was created allowing the varying material properties of the AAA to be more accurately represented. These rubber models can also be used in a variety of experimental testing from stress analysis using the photoelastic method to deterimining whether the locations of rupture experimentally correlate with those predicted numerically.
With the recent advancements in AAA research, coupled with the increasing collaboration between clinicians and engineers, the future research into AAA rupture-prediction and treatment appears to be in a strong position to combat what is currently ranked as the 13th leading cause of death in the US and the 10th leading cause of death in men over the age of 55 years.
A recent animal study published in the journal ''Nature Medicine'' showed that removing a single protein prevents early damage in blood vessels from triggering a later-stage, frequently lethal complication of atherosclerosis. By eliminating the gene for a signaling protein called cyclophilin A (CypA) from a strain of mice, researchers were able to provide complete protection against abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).
New endovascular devices are being developed that are able to treat more complex and tortuous anatomies.

Monday 18 April 2011

Kim Kardashian relationship with Kris Humphries

Kim Kardashian relationship with Kris Humphries

Kim Kardashian relationship with Kris Humphries.

According to reports, Kim Kardashian who has been dating the basketball player Kris Humphries since many months.

Asked whether it is the ‘real deal’, she told the Insider: “I so much in my center guess too it is.

“We have this a great, normal, healthful relationship – it’s really refreshing to suffer that person in my life.”

Kim moreover provided evidence that she intends to buy a property in New York.

She said: “Ever since I came out here, I’ve totally fallen in love amidst New York City. LA is definitely always being handed out to be my home, but I definitely want place out right here too.”

Discussing beauty, the 30-year-old admitted this she and her sisters Kourtney and Khloe began paying hair removal packages before properties got teenagers.

She added: “My sisters and I began to get hair removal at 12, whether it was our legs, our upper lip. And subsequently when laser hair removal came along I thought it was the ideal invention.”

Makeup Tips for Winter

Makeup Tips for Winter

Winter Skin Tips 1
Dry Skin is a fact of winters and we all learn to deal with it in our own way.
But dry skin plays havoc with make-up and we have to learn to deal with it also. To avoid the telltale flakes after the application of foundation be sure to keep your skin moisturized.
Follow a regular routine: moisturize daily and exfoliate a couple times a week.You can also add a bit of lotion to your liquid foundation to get a smooth finish.
Winter Skin Tips 2
Drink Lots of water as it helps in maintaining skin hydration, all said this is best way to a healthy-looking and glowing skin always.

Friday 15 April 2011

Friday 8 April 2011

New Salwar Kameez deign idea

Tuesday 29 March 2011

The BRATTY (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Tea, Toast, and Yogurt) diet

The BRATTY (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Tea, Toast, and Yogurt) diet is generally recommended as part of the prescribed treatment for patients suffering from gastrointestinal ailments. Common conditions such as gastroenteritis, dyspepsia, and diarrhea as well as more serious conditions such as Graft versus Host Disease can be effectively managed and treated with this diet. This diet helps to treat the root cause of diarrhea as well as the accompanying symptoms such as abdominal cramps, dehydration, fatigue, and lethargy. It is important to include all the foods in this diet for a speedy recovery.
  • Bananas are rich in soluble fibers which help to absorb excess intestinal fluids. A type of soluble fiber in bananas called inulin also helps to promote the growth of healthy gastrointestinal bacteria.
  • Dehydration is one of the main concerns of diarrhea as it can cause a person to slip into a coma and can even be fatal. Bananas are rich in potassium, manganese, and magnesium which help to replace the lost electrolytes and prevent dehydration.
  • Bananas also contain significant amounts of Vitamins A, B, C as well as calcium and selenium.
  • Rice helps to soothe and regulate the digestive system and helps to regularize intestinal contractions. This reduces and even prevents painful spasms and stomach cramps which is a common symptom of gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Rice is rich in soluble fiber which is not digested by the body but instead forms a thick gel. This gel acts as a bulking agent by absorbing excess liquids present in the intestines.
  • Rice contains complex carbohydrates and is especially recommended for toddlers and children suffering from diarrhea. Brown rice would be a better option as it has superior nutritional values as compared to white rice.
  • Apples are rich in pectin which helps to firm stools. However they also contain sorbitol which can aggravate diarrhea. Homemade applesauce retains the benefits of pectin but the sorbitol is destroyed during the cooking process. This makes applesauce ideal for patients suffering from diarrhea.
  • Applesauce also contains significant amounts of Potassium, Manganese, and Vitamin C which prevent dehydration.
  • Apple peels have a very high nutritional value but they are also high in insoluble fibers which can irritate the stomach lining and aggravate diarrhea. Make sure that you only use peeled apples when making applesauce.
  • Toast is easy to digest and helps to neutralize strong stomach acids. This makes it ideal for people suffering from diarrhea.
  • Toast is easy to digest while bread is not. This is because the heat converts the starch present in the bread into a light carbohydrate which is broken down easily and digested.
  • Have toast made out of whole wheat bread as it is healthier than white bread. Whole wheat bread also contains several types of soluble fibers which help to treat diarrhea.
  • Tea is very beneficial in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders as it helps to increase the number of healthy intestinal bacteria. This decreases the amount of harmful bacteria in the digestive system and speeds-up the recovery process.
  • Tea also helps to increase the body’s immunity levels against various intestinal disorders.
  • Green tea, Oolong tea and black tea are the healthiest options, and of these green tea is generally considered to be the best.
  • Yogurt contains healthy bacteria which help to prevent and treat diarrhea.
  • Yogurt has been rated as one of the world’s healthiest foods. It is a good source of vitamins and proteins and helps to strengthen the body and repair any damage to the intestines.
  • Flavored yogurt contains several sugars that can aggravate diarrhea. A mixture of a few spoons of honey along with unflavored yogurt would appeal to both kids and adults alike.
You can also include small amounts of steamed chicken, coconut juice, broth, soup, and boiled potatoes in the patient’s diet. A person suffering from diarrhea often feels fatigued and weary and so they often suffer a loss of appetite. Experiment with various combinations and make sure that they only have small servings throughout the day. While plain toast may not be very appetizing, the aroma from a slice of fresh toast with honey will definitely help to work up an appetite. In the same way, finely diced bananas with a few spoons of applesauce would be more appealing than having the bananas and applesauce as individual dishes. You can blend a few slices of steamed skinless chicken and add this to a bowl of freshly steamed rice with a small amount of mashed potatoes on the side. Keep in mind that spicy foods and foods with a high fat content should be completely avoided.

Purple and Persian Green Crepe Embroidered Churidar Kameez

Purple and Persian Green Crepe Embroidered Churidar Kameez

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Thursday 10 March 2011

8 Secretly Super-Salty Foods

Salt adds flavor to foods, but too much can wreak havoc on your health. Watch out for these foods to avoid sodium overload.
Raw Chicken
Salt solutions are pumped into chicken parts to plump them up. Check the label for fine print that says something like "10% broth solution." That means you can expect as much as 60 mg sodium in one chicken breast. Look for chicken that doesn't come with an added broth solution.
Italian pasta is fine. But plain Japanese somen noodles carry 280 mg sodium per cup, without the salted broth they're usually served in. Even worse: seasoned ramen noodles, at 1,434 mg per package. Switch to soba noodles, at only 68 mg per serving.
Eat at your own risk: 30 Foods your cardiologist would never eat.
Precooked Frozen Shrimp
It's just steamed shrimp, right? Wrong. Most cooked, frozen shellfish in stores was processed with salt. Expect about 222 mg sodium for 3 ounces. Buy yours at the fish counter; they'll even steam, peel, and devein the shrimp for you.
Frozen Dinners
A Swanson Hungry Man Meatloaf Dinner weighs in with 1,870 mg sodium. Even though it sounds innocuous, Uncle Ben's Spicy Beef & Broccoli Rice Bowl contains 1,550 mg, thanks mostly to soy sauce. If you insist on the convenience of Uncle Ben, try his Sweet & Sour Chicken Rice Bowl instead, at 620 mg, which is still rather high. Your best bet is to cook up your own stir-fry.
Live longer, better: 40 Foods with health super powers.
A big bowl (2 cups) of this all-American breakfast cereal has 532 mg sodium. Better options: whole-grain cereals. For example, a chunk of shredded wheat has only 6 mg; 2 cups of cooked oatmeal has less than 5 mg.
Ketchup and Mustard
Ketchup has 167 mg per tablespoon; mustard, 168 mg. Spread 'em thin.
Cottage Cheese
This popular protein source has 918 mg sodium per cup. Low-sodium versions contain just 29 mg. Or substitute hard cheese and some milk.
Want a high-protein post-workout meal? Try these 5 best gym snacks.
Smoked Trout, Salmon, or Turkey
Smoke is what you taste, sodium is what you consume. Before they're smoked, these foods are soaked in a salty brine. Smoked salmon has more than 600 mg sodium in a 3-ounce serving. Limit the smoked stuff to special occasions.

18 Exercise Upgrades

What if you could instantly make any exercise 10 times more effective? Chances are, you can. That's because most men—including longtime gym rats—make tiny but key technique errors on even the most basic movements. And as it turns out, these seemingly minor mistakes may be preventing you from achieving the body you want. You see, an exercise may feel right, but smart lifting isn't just about moving a weight from point A to point B. For big-time gains, you need to master the small details.

The good news: The best fitness coaches need only one sentence to tell you how to improve your results. Apply their words to your workouts, and you'll upgrade your routine instantly. Use these 18 tips from the top trainers in the industry to help you perfect your form, engage the right muscles, burn more calories, and lower your risk of injury. Think about it this way: It takes the same amount of time to do an exercise right as it does to do it wrong. So start squeezing more from every second of your workout.

For more expert tips on how to perfect every exercise and build muscle faster, check out the best new exercises for every part of a man's body.

WHAT YOU'RE DOING WRONG: You're letting your hips sag as you raise and lower your body.

Perfect your form
1. "When you're in a pushup position, your posture should look the same as it would if you were standing up straight and tall," says Vern Gambetta, the owner of Gambetta Sports Training Systems, in Sarasota, Florida. "So your hips shouldn't sag or be hiked, and your upper back shouldn't be rounded."

2. "Before you start, contract and stiffen your core the way you would if you had to zip up a really tight jacket," says Kaitlyn Weiss, an NASM-certified trainer based in Southern California. Hold it that way for the duration of your set. "This helps your body remain rigid—with perfect posture—as you perform the exercise."

3. "Don't just push your body up; push your hands through the floor," Gambetta says. You'll generate more power with every repetition.

Bench press
WHAT YOU'RE DOING WRONG: You're thinking only about pushing the bar up from your chest.

1. "Every time you lower the weight, squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull the bar to your chest," says Craig Rasmussen, C.S.C.S., a fitness coach at Results Fitness in Santa Clarita, California. This will help you build up energy in your upper body so that you can press the bar up with more force.

2. "As you pull the weight down, lift your chest to meet the barbell," Rasmussen says. "This will aid your efforts to create a springlike effect when you start to push the bar back up."

3. "When you press the weight, try to bend the bar with your hands," says Pavel Tsatsouline, a fitness expert and the author of Enter the Kettlebell! The benefit: You'll activate more muscle fibers in your lats and move the bar in a stronger and safer path for your shoulders.

Compare how much you can bench to the Men's Health standards and see if you're weak, ordinary, or if you rule on the bench.

WHAT YOU'RE DOING WRONG: You're starting the movement by bending your knees.

1. "Sit back between your legs, not on top of your knees," says Dan John, a strength coach based in Draper, Utah. Start your squats by pushing your hips back. "Most men tend to bend their knees first, which puts more stress on their joints."

2. "When you squat, imagine you're standing on a paper towel," says Charlie Weingroff, director of sports performance and physical therapy for CentraState Sports Performance, in Monroe, New Jersey. "Then try to rip the towel apart by pressing your feet hard into the floor and outward." This activates your glutes, which helps you use heavier weights.

3. "Instead of raising your body, think about pushing the floor away from your body," says Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., co-owner of Results Fitness. "This helps you better engage the muscles in your legs."

Straight-leg deadlift
WHAT YOU'RE DOING WRONG: You're rounding your lower back as you bend over.

1. "To lower the weight, pretend you're holding a tray of drinks and need to close the door behind you with your butt," says Cosgrove. This cues you to bend over by pushing your hips back instead of rounding your lower back—a form blunder that puts you at risk for back problems.

2. "Try to 'shave your legs' with the bar," says Weiss. The reason: Every degree the bar is away from your body places more strain on your back, which increases your chance of injury and limits the emphasis on your hamstrings and glutes.

3. "As you lift the bar, squeeze your glutes like two fists," says Nick Grantham, a top strength and conditioning coach in the U.K. and the owner of Smart Fitness. You'll ensure that you're engaging your butt muscles. This helps you generate more power, lift more weight, and produce better results.

Rows and pullups
WHAT YOU'RE DOING WRONG: You're ignoring the muscles that retract your shoulder blades.

1. "When doing bent-over and seated rows, and any pullup variation, create as much space between your ears and shoulders as you can," says Rasmussen. Pull your shoulders down and back and hold them that way as you do the exercise. This ensures you're working the intended middle- and upper-back muscles.

2. "As you row the weight, stick your chest out," says Mike Boyle, M.A., A.T.C., owner of Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning, in Winchester and North Andover, Massachusetts. This allows you to better retract your shoulder blades, which will lead to better results.

3. "Imagine there's an orange between your shoulder blades," says Grantham. "Then try to squeeze the juice out of it with your shoulder blades as you pull the weight or your body up."

Discover six muscles you ignore—but shouldn't.

WHAT YOU'RE DOING WRONG: You're leaning forward, causing your front heel to rise.

1. "When you lunge, keep your torso upright, and focus on moving it up and down, not backward and forward," says Rasmussen. This will keep your weight balanced evenly through your front foot, allowing you to press hard into the floor with your heel and target more muscle.

2. "Drop your back knee straight down to the floor," says Boyle. Consider this a second strategy to help you remember that you should drop your torso down, not push it forward, as you do the exercise.

3. "To work your core harder, narrow your starting stance," says Gray Cook, M.S.P.T., the author of Athletic Body in Balance. The smaller the gap between your feet, the more your core has to work to stabilize your body. Your goal: Lunge so that it's almost like you're walking on a tightrope as you perform the exercise.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Fitness basics

You need to exercise for about 60 minutes every day. Setting aside 60 minutes all at once each day is one way to get in enough exercise. If you wait until the end of the day to squeeze it in, you probably won’t exercise enough or at all. If you’re not active for 60 minutes straight, it’s okay to exercise for 10 or 20 minutes at a time throughout the day.

Different exercises

No matter what your shape — apple, pear, ruler, or hourglass — there's an exercise for you!
  • Pick exercises you like to do and choose a few different options so you don’t get bored. Get some great exercise ideas.
  • Aim to exercise most days of the week. If you’re not very active right now, start slowly and work your way up to being active every day.
Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of physical activity daily. You should combine the different kinds of exercise below to total 60 minutes each day. For example, you could do 35 minutes of swimming, 10 minutes of push-ups, and 15 minutes of jumping rope to reach 60 minutes.
Even if you have a disability, you should also exercise at least 60 minutes each day. Talk to your doctor about what exercises are right for you. Read more about staying active with a disability.
Exercise Type
How often?
What is it?
Why do it?
Aerobic exercise Most of your 60 minutes of daily exercise, at least 3 days a week. Aerobic activities are those in which young people regularly move their muscles. Running, hopping, skipping, jumping rope, swimming, dancing, and biking are all examples of aerobic activity. It makes your heart and lungs strong.
Muscle-strengthening exercise
(3 or more days each week)
As part of your 60 minutes of exercise each day, at least 3 days a week. Muscle-strengthening activities make muscles do more work than usual. This is called “overload” and it makes your muscles stronger. Climbing trees, yoga, rock climbing, lifting weights, or working with resistance bands are all muscle-strengthening exercises It increases your strength and builds muscle.
Bone-strengthening exercise
(3 or more days each week)
As part of your 60 minutes of exercise each day, at least 3 days a week. Bone-strengthening activities push on your bones and help them grow and be strong. This push usually comes from impact with the ground. Running, jumping rope, basketball, tennis, and hopscotch are all bone-strengthening exercises. (These exercises can also be aerobic and muscle-strengthening.) It will make your bones stronger. Your bones get strongest in the years just before and during puberty.

If you’re working out with weights, be sure to read this article on strength training! It will help you train safely.

Why fitness matters

Exercise is an important part of a lifetime of good health! Exercising is also fun and is something you can do with friends. Regular exercise provides both mental and physical health benefits.

Mental health benefits of exercise

One of the great things about exercise is that it can improve your mental health. Regular exercise can help you feel less stressed, can improve your self-esteem, and can help you to feel ready to learn in school. Kids who exercise may also have reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Exercise can also improve your overall mood. Did you have an argument with a friend? Or did you do poorly on a test? A workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk will make your brain produce chemicals that will make you happier and more relaxed than before you started working out.
What if you’re having trouble sleeping? Again, it’s exercise to the rescue! Regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster and help you sleep deeper. A good night's sleep can improve your concentration and productivity in school the next day.

Physical health benefits of exercise

Another great thing about exercise is that it can keep your body healthy. Kids who exercise often have a healthier body weight than kids who don’t exercise. Exercise makes your bones solid, improves your heart and lungs, and makes your muscles strong.
Exercise can also affect specific diseases that affect adolescents and teens. New research shows that teens who exercise regularly (about 60 minutes of brisk exercise each day) burn more calories and use blood sugar more efficiently than teens who don’t exercise. This could protect you from developing type 2 diabetes. Why should this concern you? Well, in recent years, a lot of health problems that doctors saw only in adults are now seen in young people. For example, 15 years ago type 2 diabetes was rare among adolescents, but now it accounts for almost 50 percent of new cases of diabetes in young people. In fact, type 2 diabetes used to be called ‘adult-onset diabetes,’ but the name was changed because so many young people were developing the disease.
Here is something else to consider: children and adolescents who are overweight are more likely to become adults who are overweight. If you start good habits (like daily exercise) when you are young, you will be likely to continue them when you’re older. 
New research shows that exercise during the teen years (beginning at age 12) can help protect girls from breast cancer when they are older. Also, regular physical activity can help prevent colon cancer later in your life.

Get moving!

The more time you spend in front of the television or playing video games, the less time you have to be active. Not being active is called sedentary (say: sed-un-tair-ee). Leading a sedentary lifestyle can cause weight gain and even obesity (dangerously high weight), which can lead to type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. These three health issues can hurt your heart and make it easier for you to get certain diseases. Make physical activity a regular part of your life. It can help you protect your health! Obesity can also hurt your self-esteem, too.
More information about how exercise is helpful (and healthful!) can be found at Why Exercise is Wise.

Getting enough sleep

What’s up with sleep? It may seem like a waste of time when you’ve got so much you want — and need — to do. But sleep can help you do better in school, stress less, and generally be more pleasant to have around. Sound good? Now consider some possible effects of not getting enough sleep:
  • Feeling angry or depressed
  • Having trouble learning, remembering, and thinking clearly
  • Having more accidents
  • Getting sick more often
  • Feeling less motivated
  • Possibly gaining weight
  • Having lower self-esteem

How much is enough?

Experts say most teens need a little more than nine hours of sleep each night. Only a tiny number get that much, though. Are you one of the lucky few who can manage with less? Or are you slipping up on sleep? Here are some ways to see if you’re getting enough:
  • Do you have trouble getting up in the morning?
  • Do you have trouble focusing?
  • Do you sometimes fall asleep during class?
If you have answered yes to these questions, check out the tips below for getting better sleep.

Tips for better sleep

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day — even on the weekends!
  • Exercise regularly. Try to finish exercising at least five to six hours before bedtime.
  • Don’t eat a lot close to bedtime. Food can give you a burst of energy.
  • Avoid bright lights right before bed, including the ones that come from the TV or the computer. Sleep in a dark room. Darkness tells your body it’s time for sleep.
  • Sleep in a slightly cool room. If you can't control the temperature, try using fewer blankets or dressing lightly.
  • Follow a bedtime routine. If you do the same things each night before bed, your body will know it’s time for sleep. Take a warm bath or shower. Or drink a glass of milk.
  • Wake up to bright light. Light tells your body it’s time to get up.
  • Listen to your body. If you’re feeling tired, go to sleep. If you can’t fall asleep within 20 minutes of going to bed, get up and do something else until you feel sleepy.
  • Avoid caffeine. That means cutting back on coffee, soda, chocolate, and energy drinks — or at least trying not to have any late in the day.
  • Don’t nap for longer than 30 minutes or take naps too close to bedtime.
  • Don’t stay up all night studying. Try doing a little each night instead. If you pull an all-nighter, you may be too tired to do well on your test.
  • Set aside time to relax for about an hour before bed. Turn off your cell phone and your computer! If your tasks have you worried, write them down to get them off your mind.
If these tips don’t help, you could talk to your doctor or nurse. Also keep in mind that good sleep isn’t just about the number of hours you’re in bed. If you wake up a lot in the night, snore, or have headaches, you may not be getting enough quality sleep to keep you fresh and healthy.

Sunday 27 February 2011

One of the main physical characteristics that are usually prevalent in men is the presence of upper lip hair or moustache. This usually appears during puberty when the sex hormones begin to take effect and continues on for the reminder of a man's life. However, this doesn't mean that it is only exclusive in men. Some women also tend to produce hair on their upper lip because of excessive production of androgen. This becomes a source of problem since the presence of upper lip hair is usually connected to being men. This is why women who have this look for various methods of upper lip hair removal that can guarantee longer - lasting results.

Shaving is a cheap and easy option since it is the one that is used mostly by men. Razors can easily be acquired from any store and this can be done even in a public toilet. However, this doesn't often produce a very smooth effect which can give a worse effect for women than having an unshaved upper lip hair. Also, the results don't last long and the hair has a tendency to grow thicker so shaving must be done everyday. Include the possibility of burns and cuts and this makes this option unattractive to women especially to those who have a very significant amount of upper lip hair.

The use of depilatories such as creams and gels can help a lot in upper lip hair removal. This method is more appropriate for women because it is easier to do, doesn't result in cuts and has more longer - lasting effects. This can be applied directly on the upper lip area and then washed off after a given period of time. The hair disintegrates with the cream so it falls off by itself. However, women must remember to use depilatories that are made especially for the face. This is because the face can prove to be a very sensitive area and this requires depilatories that are not that harsh or strong as the ones that are used on other parts of the body. In some cases, irritation appears especially for those who are using this method for the first time but this can be easily resolved.

In spite of all these, wax hair removal possesses some advantages that make it still a top choice among all the methods that are available. Aside from the fact that it is really quite effective, it produces effects that can really last a long time. This can last in weeks as compared to some methods which only last for days. This is due to the inclusion of the root when pulling out the hair. This results to a slower rate of growth as compared to removing only the top portion. Also, the hair that grows back has a tendency to be finer making it easier to do the process again during the next time. It can remove large amounts of hair at a time and it can be used on almost any parts of the body. These factors make hair removal by wax a very popular choice.

These are the three most common methods that are used in removing any sign of upper lip hair in women. Aside from these three, there are still other methods that can be used such as plucking, threading and electrolysis. All of these guarantee a woman's freedom from unwanted upper lip hair.

Monday 14 February 2011

Rheumatoid arthritis diet

There is a diet for everything: low carbohydrate, high fat, high protein, the cabbage soup diet, the grapefruit diet, and more. Ask any doctor, and he or she will probably tell you that there are certain foods that will further irritate a condition called rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation of the joins and surrounding tissues). So the diet to prevent that irritation, and to hopefully control the condition, is called the rheumatoid arthritis diet. However, it is important to note that every individual is different; a food that might negatively affect one individual might not necessarily affect another. This is just a general list that may help you reduce flare ups!

Foods to Avoid
Studies show that certain fats can cause inflammation in the body.

Saturated fat is one of these, so avoiding foods that are high in saturated fat, more specifically, animal foods, can help you avoid unnecessary flare ups. Not only are the fats in bacon, steak, cream, and butter saturated, but these foods also contain chemicals called prostaglandins that cause inflammation, swelling, pain, and joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis. Some studies have also concluded that meat also has another substance called arachidonic acid, which is a fatty acid that gets converted into prostaglandins. Some people with rheumatoid arthritis find it beneficial to avoid meat.

Omega-6 fatty acids are another fat that might cause inflammation in the body. It is present in vegetable oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, and wheat germ oil. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the diets of most people is too much omega-6 to omega-3; this is said to be the contributing factor to this inflammation, so eating more omega-3 fatty acids will reduce this risk for inflammation.

Food allergies. If you are sensitive to certain foods, such as foods that cause an allergic reaction, it is important to eliminate these from the diet because it puts strain on the immune system every time you eat these foods. This could include wheat products, milk products, and synthetic preservatives/additives; of course, this will vary per individual.

Eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, and chili peppers. The theory here doesn’t have sound scientific proof, but some people have found that these foods aggravate the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. The thing they all have in common is that they are nightshade plants.

Other foods. The following foods can be harmful for rheumatoid arthritis, so reducing them or eliminating them from the diet can be beneficial. They include fried foods, processed foods, tea, coffee, dairy products, berries and other citrus fruits, excessive salt, and alcohol.

Foods to Eat
Omega-3 fatty acid foods are beneficial because this fat is said to balance out the effects of omega-6 fatty acid. They have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Omega-3’s are present in cold-water fish (like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, and trout), nuts, tofu, soybean products, flaxseed and flax oil, avocado and avocado oil, walnuts, almonds, and canola oil.

Fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Some studies show that a diet high in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes can be beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis. All of these categories of food are high in phytonutrients, which are chemicals in plants that have disease-fighting properties and antioxidants; antioxidants are good for the immune system and fight damaging free-radicals that can damage healthy tissue. They are present in vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and selenium.

Bioflavonoids are also substances present in plant foods that have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor characteristics.

Weight Loss
Dropping extra weight can be good for the bones and joints because it alleviates some of the strain put on them, particularly on the hips, knees, heart, and more areas. Being overweight or obese puts unnecessary strain on these areas and can cause more inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Low sodium diet

Salty foods have become a large part of the American diet; with packaged and processed foods a household staple and a salt shaker a part of every meal, it seems there’s no way to avoid it. Wrong! Sodium intake is a completely controllable part of the diet, you just have to know what changes to make and what habits to pick up on. This article will provide tips on how to maintain and manage a low sodium diet. But first, let’s understand why too much sodium is such a bad thing.

Sodium and Health
In certain amounts, sodium is needed by the body because it serves many functions. If there is too much it will hurt the body, but if there is too little, these functions won’t be performed. Fortunately, the body is capable, to a certain extent, of maintaining proper levels of sodium, but there are factors that can have an adverse effect on that control, such as excess sweating or eating too much sodium in the diet. The recommended amount of sodium to get in through the diet is 2,300 mg for healthy individuals and 1,500 mg if you already have high blood pressure.

* Electrolyte. Sodium has an important role as an electrolyte, regulating the balance of fluid inside and outside of the body’s cells. If there isn’t enough sodium to regulate this, either too much fluid will be inside the cells causing them to swell, or too much fluid will be outside the cells causing them to shrivel.
* Nutrients. Sodium is partially responsible for passing nutrients into and out of cells.
* Sweating. When you get heated from exertion or from being outside, the body sweats in an effort to cool down. This is because of a function of sodium. If you don’t have enough sodium to sweat, you will become overheated.
* Blood pressure. This is probably where you’ve heard the importance of sodium being discussed. Sodium plays a major part in regulating blood pressure. Put simply, too much sodium in the diet causes too much fluid to be left behind in the blood vessels, causing the heart to have to work harder to pump the blood to all the tissues in the body. The volume of blood is increasing, but the size of the vessels is staying the same.

Diet: Low Sodium
It is actually easier than you think to incorporate low sodium foods into the diet. Here are some quick tips. Don’t eat processed, packaged, or prepared foods because they tend to be really high in sodium. Salt acts as a preservative on these foods. If you can’t completely eliminate them, eat them sparingly. Don’t add extra salt to foods. Try adding herbs and spices for flavor because they are sodium-free and taste just as good, if not better.

Use condiments sparingly. Many condiments are also high in sodium. Try using a minimal amount or another salt-free seasoning so you get all the flavor. Also, you can always make your own ketchup or BBQ sauce with very little salt.

Look at food labels. Food labels give you all the information you need to know; you just have to learn how to read them. Look for foods that are labeled “sodium-free”, “salt-free”, “very low sodium”, “low sodium”, “reduced sodium”, “light sodium”, or “no salt added.” Although each of these means a slightly different thing, they all have no additional salt or very low salt. However, there is one exception; reduced sodium means that there is only 25% less sodium than the original. This can be misleading because we don’t automatically know what the original amount was. Choose foods that are low or very low in sodium, or no salt added.

Eat more fresh foods and produce. You can never go wrong with fresh foods, fruits, and vegetables. They are naturally low in sodium. When eating lunchmeat, always choose fresh because prepackaged lunchmeats have a lot more sodium than is necessary.

IBS diet

If you’ve been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you’ve also probably been given lifestyle changes to make to accommodate for it. One of those accommodations, a serious one, is the diet. Irritable bowel syndrome is a fairly common problem, especially in women who have reached age 20, so we are way ahead in the ways of informing those who have it how to deal with it. A few simple changes with the foods you eat and the beverages you drink will make your life a whole lot easier if this condition affects you.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
IBS is a problem affecting the intestines; the intestines squeeze too hard or not hard enough, causing the food to move too quickly or too slowly through it. There are different names for the condition: functional bowel syndrome, irritable colon, spastic bowel, or spastic colon. Don’t get this condition confused with inflammatory diseases because they are not the same.

Symptoms include bloating and gas, mucus in the stool, diarrhea, constipation, feeling a strong urge to have a bowel movement, feeling like you need to have a bowel movement after you’ve already had one, abdominal pain, and cramping. The symptoms may be more magnified, depending on the time of day or if you’re under a lot of stress.

Speaking with a doctor is the only way to be officially diagnosed with IBS. The doctor will be able to make this judgment if your symptoms have formed a pattern over time. To be sure, the doctor will rule out other problems by performing a few tests, such as a colonoscopy or blood test.

This isn’t something that people die from. It may go away, and it may recur from time to time. Eating a diet that doesn’t put too much stress on the bowels is the base way to control it.

Things to know
Foods cannot cause irritable bowel syndrome; however, once you have it, there are some foods that may make it worse. Foods that do worsen the symptoms are things such as high fat foods, caffeine-containing foods and beverages, alcohol, and chocolate. Fat and caffeine both force the intestines to contract, causing cramping. For some people, gas may be a problem, so avoiding foods that cause gas—cabbage, beans, broccoli, some fruits, etc.—may be a good idea.

Foods for an IBS Diet
Saying that one diet will work for all people with IBS is a lie because everyone’s body is different; there is no “one size fits all.” Identifying your triggers over time is the best way to know what foods you should and shouldn’t eat. However, there is a generalized group of foods to avoid and those to eat; there are also some tips to keep in mind. Here are lists of all three.

Foods to avoid
These are also called trigger foods because they trigger the symptoms associated with IBS in the way they move through and affect the intestines. Red meat, dairy products, egg yolks, fried foods, high sugar foods, coconut milk, and the artificial sweeteners sorbitol and xylitol (used in sugarless gum and sugarless candies) should all be avoided. Eating a high fat diet will make the symptoms worse, but you don’t want to have a diet completely devoid of fat.

Foods to eat
This list is a lot more fun because it says what you can eat. It’s not quite as amazing to hear the foods you can’t eat, but hearing the foods you can eat…that’s a whole different story!

Fiber is probably the most beneficial thing you can eat to reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome because it improves how the intestines work. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber helps with both constipation and diarrhea; it dissolves in water, forming a gel-like material. Foods high in soluble fiber are rice cereals, oatmeal, pasta, tortillas, carrots, yams, potatoes, apples, beans, and citrus fruits. Insoluble fiber helps with constipation because it helps move material through the digestive system and adds bulk to the stool. Foods high in insoluble fiber are whole grains, wheat bran, seeds, nuts, and many vegetables.

Substitution. Since there are foods you can’t eat, and some of them are important, it is good to practice with substitution. Try substituting two egg whites for one whole egg, eat low fat vegetarian products instead of red meat, try fruit purees in place of oil when baking, use veggie broth in place of oil in sauces, and bake with cocoa powder (fat free) instead of using solid chocolate (high fat). Use plenty of herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of any dish.

Eating tips
In order to reduce constipation, eat plenty of fiber, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of exercise. It also helps to keep a log of the foods you eat daily; this makes it easier to track the foods that have triggered the symptoms of IBS. Lastly, eat in a place that has a quiet and relaxed atmosphere.

ADHD diet

ADHD, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a common syndrome seen in many children worldwide. It is a chronic condition that can continue to adulthood. Common symptoms, usually seen before seven years of age, include inattention, impetuous behavior, and hyperactivity. Researchers believe that the most plausible reason behind ADHD is heredity – that is, it runs in the family. Studies have shown that ADHD may also be caused due to altered brain function and anatomy, and exposure to environmental or chemical toxins before or after birth.

Children diagnosed with ADHD may be poor performers at school, and may suffer from low self-esteem and problematic relationship with peers. Treatment of ADHD does not completely cure the disorder, but can alleviate the occurrence of symptoms. The process of treatment usually involves a combination of prescribed medications and psychological counseling.

Although it has not been scientifically proven that a particular diet can help ADHD, some assume that certain food, such as sugar, cause an adverse effect on the condition. Too much sugar presumably makes ADHD symptoms worse, as many children with ADHD are hypersensitive to sugar or other foodstuff with high sugar content. Food additives and preservatives, such as artificial coloring, are also believed to make ADHD worse.

ADHD diet is a specific type of diet meant to lessen the symptoms of the disorder. The diet is, of course, supplementary and must be combined with medications and counseling sessions. The diet may include foods that are known to help ADHD patients, and restrict the ones that may cause reactions. There can be three possible diets recommended for ADHD. These are – Overall nutrition diet for ADHD – This diet basically includes everyday food items, and comprises of food that is good for the brain. This diet includes high protein foods such as cheese, eggs, nuts and meat. Protein-enriched foods help to improve condition and give the ADHD medications more time to work on the brain. It is recommended to eat more of complex carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables, and less of simple carbohydrate such as candy, honey, corn syrup, sugar etc. It is also a good practice to start eating fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon or tuna. Nuts like walnuts and Brazil nuts, and oils such as olive or canola, are also good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Supplementation diet for ADHD – Vitamin and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the brain and the body. And therefore, taking nutritional supplements along with regular food ensures a balanced diet, and may help symptoms of ADHD. Protein or colloidal mineral supplements are recommended, but should be taken only after consulting the physician, as many ADHD patients may not be tolerant to mineral supplements.

Elimination diet for ADHD – An elimination diet puts restriction on foods that are responsible to worsen the symptoms of ADHD. Common stimulants of worsening the condition include sugars and food preservatives. Artificial food colorings, especially the reds and yellows, are also best to be avoided. Food additives such as MSG, or monosodium glutamate, are also known to worsen ADHD syndrome.

Certain provision outside these diets, such as caffeine, supposedly helps children with ADHD when given in small amounts. Care should be taken though, as caffeine may also be harmful to children.

Because the degree of symptoms and the level of the ADHD condition vary from person to person, it is always better to custom design an ADHD diet based on the tolerance and effectiveness with certain kinds of food. However, no matter what type of diet is being followed, it should be consistent with the medications that are being prescribed and, therefore, it is necessary to consult with the physician before beginning on a particular ADHD diet.

Natural laxatives

As a person gets older their metabolism tends to slow down. Something that goes along with that is constipation. Constipation can be a very uncomfortable even miserable feeling for the average person. Most people do not realize how much this can affect them until they have experienced it for themselves.

There are many things that people can do to alleviate constipation. Many foods can be considered natural laxatives. These foods can be added to the daily diet in order to get rid of constipation problems. This is one of the best solutions as most of these foods are nutritious as well and add many other health benefits in addition to relieving constipation issues.

The best natural laxatives are those foods that are full of fiber. Soluble fiber is much better than insoluble as it pulls water into itself and helps to soften up the stool in the intestines making it easier to pass later. Insoluble fiber is fiber that is not digestible fiber. It remains the same form and passes through the body unchanged.

One of the best known foods that works as a laxative are prunes and prune juice. Prunes are full of soluble fiber. They also have high levels of Vitamin A, iron and potassium. Eating a few prunes or drinking a glass of prune juice once a day usually will take care of any problems a person has with constipation.

Other vegetables and fruits that are considered natural laxatives include grapes, figs, apricots, turnips, endive, watercress, coconut, avocados, rhubarb and soybeans. In fact, rhubarb contains a natural chemical that has laxative qualities. Rhubarb is considered to be a very powerful laxative. It might be wise due to this to eat rhubarb in small amounts. Otherwise adding two servings of any of the foods above should alleviate any problems a person has with constipation. It is also recommended to eat vegetables and fruits raw when possible and to eat the peelings as well. They add to the roughage or fiber of the food item.

Whole grains are full of soluble fiber that will help to keep the digestive tact healthy and keep the stool soft. There are many cereals and other foods that are made with whole grains that fall into this category. Look for whole grains on the label. It is recommended to eat four to five servings of grains per day for a healthy diet and to keep the digestive tract moving along.

Other seeds that are considered natural laxatives include psyllium and flaxseed. Psyllium husks come from the seeds of the plantain. They contain a gel like substance called mucilage. This substance swells when it is mixed with water. It also pulls water into it. This helps to soften the stool as it passes through the intestinal tract. Linseed or flaxseed works on the same premise as psyllium husks. Licorice is another herb that contains mucilage. Please note that licorice should not be used long term as it can raise the blood pressure. Olive oil can also be used as a laxative.

A person being sedentary or not getting the right amount of exercise can lead to constipation. Increasing activity levels including taking regular walks or implementing an exercise routine can help to increase the digestive process and move food and nutrients more quickly through the digestive tract.

Keeping the body hydrated is another way to keep constipation away. The intestines need water to mix with the stool in order to keep it soft and pliable. If the body is dehydrated the stool will become hard and dry. It will make it much harder to pass. Drinking large amounts of water each day will keep constipation away.

HCG diet recipes

The HCG diet is a very strict dieting strategy that severely limits caloric intake. This is actually an understatement because the diet allows only 500 calories per day. This restriction, along with daily injections of a synthetically produced hormone, HCG, gives the diet its uniqueness. The original idea was that it would help men and women lose fat (and, therefore, weight) and keep it off after returning to a more normal dietary pattern.

How Does the Diet Work?
HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is a hormone naturally produced in large amounts by the placenta during pregnancy. The hormone essentially controls the woman’s metabolic functions during this time. It allows for the fetus to receive the nutrients it needs even if the mother is restricting or not eating enough. The baby can live off the mother’s fat stores, and so the idea developed to turn this hormone into a diet. If injected with the hormone, a person’s fat stores will basically be depleted. An injection is given every day, except for the last three, for the duration of the diet, which only lasts for about a month. When the injected hormones take effect, the dieter can more easily be satisfied with 500 calories per day because fat stores are released to provide the energy needed. The foods consumed, to maximize hunger with so little quantities, should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates, fats, and void of junk foods.

HCG Recipes
The problem with going on this diet is that your normal, everyday cookbooks temporarily become useless. However, there are recipes that can be adapted, and some that have been produced specifically for this diet. All of the following recipes are suitable because they are low in calories and fat.

Fruit Salad
Try this sweet mixture of fresh fruits for breakfast!

* 1 cup sliced bananas
* 1 cup sliced strawberries
* 1 cup cubed, fresh pineapple
* 1 cup blueberries

Mix all together and enjoy!

Lettuce wraps
The fiber in the lettuce and vegetables, and the protein in the meat give a lasting feeling of fullness.

* 1 pounds lean ground beef or ground turkey. Mix with
* Fajita seasoning, low fat & sugar free
* Vegetable mixture (bell peppers and onion)

Brown the ground beef or turkey. Sauté vegetables in a medium-sized pan coated in cooking spray. Wrap both the meat and vegetables in lettuce leaves.

Shish Kabobs
This is not a cut and dry recipe; there are many variations with which to experiment!

* Chunks of lean chicken or shrimp
* Onion, tomato chunks or cherry tomatoes
* Vegetables of choice

Put all on skewers. Season with herbs and lemon juice prior to grilling. Grill until cooked thoroughly.

Lively Citrus Basil Chicken
This dish is easy to throw together and is a perfect dinner for the rest of the family who isn’t even on the diet!

* 3 ½ oz 99% fat free chicken trimmed of visible fat
* 3 ½ oz chopped tomatoes
* 1 orange, peeled & cut into small pieces
* Juice from ½ lemon
* Basil (fresh or dried), as desired
* Salt and pepper, as needed

Place a medium-sized skillet onto stove top; coat with cooking spray. Add chicken and lightly coat with salt and pepper; drizzle with lemon juice and extra water, if needed. Cook 3-4 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes, chopped orange, and basil. Simmer on low, for desired amount of marinating time, turning halfway through. Serve chicken on lettuce leaves.

Foil Baked Fish
A simple and satisfying twist on fish.

* 3 ½ oz fish
* Juice of ½ of a lemon
* Salt, pepper, and dill to taste

Put fish in foil (large enough to wrap around and seal). Drizzle with lemon juice and zest some of the rind around the fish. Season with salt, pepper, and dill. Bake in oven at 350 degrees Centigrade until cooked through.

Italian Herbed Fish and Broccoli
This meal is packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals.

* 3 ½ oz white fish
* 3 ½ oz broccoli, chopped
* 1 tomato, peeled & cut into small pieces
* Basil, thyme, oregano (fresh or dried), as desired
* Salt and pepper, as desired
* 2 tablespoons water

Put all spices, salt and pepper into the bottom of a medium-sized skillet. Add fish and drizzle with the lemon. Add broccoli and tomato with a few tablespoons of water over low-medium heat until fish is cooked through. Pour juices over fish and serve with lemon wedges.

Sweet ‘n Sour Lemonade
Perfect for anytime of day!

* 1 quart water
* 1 lemon (juice only)
* 2 packets calorie free natural sweetener
* Ice cubes
* Lemon slices, for garnish

Place water in a pitcher. Add the lemon juice and sweetener; stir. Add desired amount of ice. Garnish with sliced lemons.

Warm Apple Dessert
Craving some apple pie? This is a perfect substitute!

* 1 medium apple, cut into wedges
* Cinnamon, as desired
* 1 packet no calorie sweetener

Dust apples with cinnamon and sweetener and combine in a microwaveable bowl. Heat the microwave for 2 minutes, or until apples are warm and to desired tenderness.

Lipotropic injections

Lipotropic injections are a unique weight loss method that should definitely be considered if you plan to use a product to assist you with a healthy weight loss. The product is a substance which assists in breaking down fat in your body so it is removed as waste. This is done as the injections will help stimulate lecithin creation within your liver and this will ultimately convert more cholesterol to liquid instead of it being in your bloodstream.

That is not all lipotropic injections do though as there are other processes that take place. If your liver is fatty then it will not complete its tasks as quick as it should be. This will lead to a slower metabolism. In order to speed up your liver you will need to minimize the mount of fat that is stored in your liver. This can be done with using lipotropic injections. There are also other health benefits from using lipotropic injections. By using this product you can help keep your kidneys protected, increase your immunity to various illnesses, treat illnesses, and there are various other health benefits as well.

Do Lipotropic Injections Really Work?
Ignoring all the claims, what really matters is if the product works or not. Most reviews and testimonials for this product have been positive and based on others experiences it has seemed to work for them. While it cannot be said whether lipotropic injections will work for you or not, the results have seemed to show that it is a very effective product for most. People have claimed to lose 2-3lbs per week just from using the lipotropic injections with their already healthy diet. Not only is it helping with an easy weight loss but it is also been a great energy source as well, which is ultimately helpful when needing regular exercise. By combining lipotropic injections with a healthy diet and regular exercise you will definitely see phenomenal results in a short period of time.

Lipotropic Injections for Spot Reduction
Exercise or dieting alone can help you lose extra fat all over your body but it is not possible to reduce fat in specific areas with just diet and exercise alone. In the past only surgery was capable of spot reduction but now lipotropic injections are a great alternative. Using lipotropic injections can help get rid of fat deposits in a certain targeted area of your body. For this to work you will be injecting the substance (a composition of amino acid compounds and Vitamin B12) into the area which you want lose fat from. By regularly using lipotropic injections you can easily see a successful spot reduction in a short period of time, and the main factor to thank for this is that your metabolism is being increased tremendously.

Why Lipotropic Injections Work
Lipotropic injections are great at helping you burn fat mostly because they work as a metabolism booster. The effects from the lipotropic injection will display immediately and your metabolism will be increased while using the injections. With an increased metabolism will also come more energy and an increased happiness. This will ultimately make you much more active and will help you burn more calories through the day, which leads to a healthy weight loss. Not only is your metabolism increased so that you will be exercising more regularly but your resting metabolism is increased as well. This means that whenever you are not doing anything much more than simple movements, you will be burning more calories than normal. This means that even someone with terrible metabolism can help shred off extra weight in certain sections of the body that they are having trouble with.

The Verdict – Are Lipotric Injections Worth It?
You are getting a boosted metabolism, increased energy, and an increased happiness by using this product. You can also see amazing weight loss results if you continue using lipotropic injections, so it is definitely worth investing in. In a way this is the magical solution to those facing weight problems and it may be the answer you were looking for. If you are having difficulties losing weight with other products or from basic dieting and exercise, you may want to consider using lipotropic injections.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Friday 11 February 2011

Abdomina Exercise Machines

Abs are a huge deal! Have you noticed this lately? I was just watching a film entitled "The Covenant" with my wife, and couldn't help but notice the physiques. One character in this movie had ridiculous abdominal muscles. I'm talking ripped to shreds here. I couldn't help but laugh since no athlete I saw in high school had abs like this. Sure high school kids work out, but this guy looked like he was training for a fitness magazine. Oh, and not to mention that he looked about 25 years old. He must have invested in some major abdominal exercise machines. It's either that or some really cool genetics.

You can take your pick from an abundance of abdominal exercise machines on the fitness market today. Who doesn't have a bright idea for some new and improved ab invention? It's kind of funny because I was just reading a piece on abdominal muscles last weekend. Personally I like to switch-up my workout regimes just to keep my muscles guessing. This typically promotes more growth. Anyway, the article said nothing promoting abdominal exercise machines. In fact, it didn't mention them at all. It named the three most effective abdominal exercises, which are all performed without the contemporary abdominal exercise machines. The first one was the bicycle motion. This is performed while lying on your back. You pretend like you're pedaling a bicycle and bring your elbows to your knees. The second ab exercise is crunches. These are highly recommended since they put very little stress on your back. And the third was also crunches, but crunches done with the aid of a chair to prop your legs on. I tried these and it's a great one. I found that it really started burning quickly. I love that!

In short, before you run out and purchase the latest abdominal exercise machines, I suggest that you do a little reading online first. This will help you better understand how the abs are properly worked and exhausted. The last thing you want is to adopt an ab exercise that damages your back over time. Furthermore, the recommended exercise routines are free; unlike modern-day abdominal exercise machines. You do the math. On the other hand, I do suggest that you try a few different exercises so that you can determine which one offers the best results.

Abdominal exercise

Many people are bothered by lower back pain. The pain can be the result of an injury, arthritis or poor posture. No matter why the pain is there it is often debilitating. The thing that people who are not in constant pain do not realize is how much energy is taken from the person that is suffering from the pain. The pain can cause sleep deprivation which leads to the inability to concentrate and the feeling of being tired. There are many things that can be done to help with back pain. One of the most effective is abdominal exercise.

Many people do not realize how much the abdominal muscles help to support the lower back. By keeping these muscles strong the back is supported more. Exercises that stretch and strengthen the abdominal area can greatly alleviate the pain. Abdominal exercise is usually done lying on your back. For some people with severe back pain getting off the floor from a laying position can be quite difficult. For these people they can begin to strengthen the stomach muscles by performing the abdominal exercise in bed. This is not as affective as doing them on the hard surface of the floor, but it can begin the strengthening process so that the person can get to the point of lying on the floor.

Another effective and joint friendly way to begin the process of strengthening the stomach muscles is through deep breathing exercises. These are exercises that can be done in any position and at anytime throughout the day. Simply sit or stand very erect and pull in the abdominal muscles as you take in deep breaths of air. Hold the breath and slowly exhale, keeping the stomach muscles held firm. Repeat this procedure several times throughout the day. The deep breathing will also help relax tense muscles that may contribute to the pain level.

A more advanced abdominal exercise is doing belly crunches. This involves lying flat on your back with your knees raised and you feet planted firmly on the ground. Place your hands behind your head and lift the head and shoulders a few inches off the ground. Hold that position for a few seconds and go back down. Repeat this for a number of times. The deep breathing can be added to the abdominal exercise by inhaling and exhaling as you rise and fall. There are many variations that can be done with this basic exercise, such as reaching your arms out in front of you between your knees as you rise. If you alternate one arm than the next over your stomach as if you are climbing a rope you will work the abdominal muscles that are higher. Repeating these simple moves in the morning and evening will help to warm your back muscles as you prepare for work or sleep. Warming the muscles through stretching also helps to alleviate the pain.

Thursday 10 February 2011

What's your BMI?

A good way to check if you're a healthy weight is to use the Body Mass Index (BMI). Use our healthy weight calculator to learn your BMI, and find helpful information and advice.
Check your BMI, or that of your child or other family members, using our Healthy weight calculator. This tool can be used for adults and children aged two or above. Once it has calculated the BMI, the tool will direct you to relevant content on this site
Your BMI is a measure of whether you're a healthy weight for your height.
It can indicate whether you're at raised risk of the serious health problems that are linked to being overweight, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers.
Who can use BMI?
BMI is the best assessment of weight. It can be used by most people, however, it's not suitable for children under the age of two.
Having lots of muscle may put you in the unhealthy range, even if you have little body fat. For example, professional rugby players can have 'obese' BMIs despite having very little body fat. However, this will not apply to most people.

Lose weight

For adults of south Asian origin, a BMI of 23 or above can indicate increased risk of health problems. Getting your BMI to below 23 will improve your health
The BMI ranges for adults
People come in different shapes and sizes. For adults, a range of BMI scores indicate that you're a healthy weight.
A BMI above the ideal range indicates that you're heavier than is healthy for your height.
The ranges below only apply to adults. BMI results are interpreted differently for children.
  • BMI below 18.5: a score this low means that you may be underweight. There are a number of possible reasons for this. Your GP can help you find out more, and achieve a healthy weight.You can learn more by reading Nutrition for underweight adults.
  • BMI 18.5-24.9: this is a healthy range. It shows that you're a healthy weight for your height. However, it's still important to eat a healthy, balanced diet and include physical activity in your daily life if you want to maintain a healthy weight.
  • BMI 25.0 or more: your BMI is above the ideal range. This means that you're heavier than is healthy for someone of your height. Excess weight can put you at increased risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. It’s time to take action. See the section below, and learn more by reading Lose weight. 
The next step
If your BMI shows that you're overweight it's time to take action. There’s lots of information, advice and support on NHS Choices that can help you.
  • Lose weight has information and advice on achieving a healthy weight.
  • Good food contains information and advice on healthy eating.
  • Fitness gives you information and advice on physical activity.
You can also talk to your GP or practice nurse. They can offer advice on lifestyle changes, and may refer you to a weight loss group or discuss other treatments.
They may measure your waist circumference. This can provide further information on your risk of certain health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. You can learn more by reading Why body shape matters.
For children who are overweight, a GP or practice nurse can give advice and support on helping your child achieve a healthy weight as they grow.
Lose weight
For adults, losing even a little excess weight has health benefits. You’ll lower your risk of serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
Weight loss can also improve back and joint pain. Most people feel better when they lose excess weight.
For adults and children, the key is to make small, long-lasting changes to your lifestyle. That means a healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity.
To start with, you can cut down on excess calories by swapping high-calorie meals and snacks for healthier alternatives. Read Healthy food swaps to learn more.
Physical activity is an important part of losing weight. Adults should get at least 30 minutes of physical activity, five days a week. For children, it’s 60 minutes, five days a week.
Sport is a great way to get active, but physical activity doesn’t have to mean spending hours on a treadmill. Instead, think about practical ways that you and your children can fit physical activity into your daily routine, such as walking to school or the shops.
For more ideas on how to get you and your family active, visit Change4Life.


Saturday 5 February 2011

How to create Automatic Post Summarieswith Thumbnails-Blogger

Well this tutorial"How to create Automatic Post Summarieswith Thumbnails-Blogger" tells you how to create Read more button to short your story on home page or archive page. This is good impression for visitors that they dont scroll down full page and keen to know about posts or different post.

All you have to do is
1. Login to blogger
2. Backup your template
3. Now find this code.


Friday 4 February 2011


Thursday 3 February 2011

Makeup Tutorial: Smokey Silver & Browns With Double Winged Eyeliner [Video]

Makeup Tutorial: Smokey Silver & Browns With Double Winged Eyeliner [Video]