Thursday 2 December 2010

Work Out Routine 2

There are some things that ever person must have in life. One is a confidence. After all, where can you go, and what can you really accomplish without believing in yourself? Another thing is motivation. Hey, if you're not motivated, then you may not go far regarding career goals and lifestyle expectations. If you want to get to a certain level, you have to be determined. And finally there is the infamous workout routine. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. YUCK! It's never much of a popular concept, but it's still crucial to our health and image. If you're currently lacking a fitness regimen, then it's time to take that first step.

There are many aspects to fitness, working out and staying in shape. One workout routine I would like to address is the muscle building process. This is such a debatable subject. I have read countless bodybuilding and weight lifting websites, and often they encourage different routines and practices. One thing I can say about most of them is if you're looking to bulk up, free weights are preferred over machines. This is basically due to the fact that they force your body to work more. When you resort to a machine, it stabilizes the exercise for you. This way you only have to lift, press or curl the weight. Now with a free weight workout routine it's different. Let's say you're doing the bench press. This is a wonderful compound exercise that's ideal for building the chest, triceps and shoulders. When you lift the bar, you also have to stabilize it, and make sure it stays level. This ensures that both arms are doing equal amounts of work. Furthermore, the free weights are forcing your body to use other muscles as well, while the machines do not.

So what about that great muscle building workout routine? I believe the key is not going overboard. Far too many weight lifters jump in the game and pack on too many plates. They may be able to do 165 one time, but they should start smaller. A good workout routine that actually produces results requires more reps and sets. You should be able to do at least eight reps. If you're trying to build mass, then exhaust the muscles with six to eight sets. Also remember to trade off exercises. Your muscles will get used to the same old routine. It's wise to switch it around.

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