Tuesday 30 November 2010

Yoga Class

Finding the right yoga class for you can be quite a struggle. I speak from experience. I have been going to yoga classes for 10 years now, but it has only been within the last couple that I found a yoga center that works for me. I've tried every style, and every school of yoga that there is – at least every school of yoga that I know about. I have tried Bikram yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, kundalini, Iyengar – basically every type that is taught in this country, but there have been no yoga teachers that I've met who have jibed with me. Now don't get me wrong, I have loved some of my yoga teachers quite dearly, as well as many of my yoga classes, but none of them took an approach that really met all of my needs.

Taking a yoga class is a deeply personal experience. For some people, the right yoga Center is easy to find. All they need in a yoga class is a place to go exercise, and so they do not have to look very hard to find one. For others, however, especially those of us who want to go deeply into the practice of yoga, finding the perfect yoga class is much more difficult. What makes a good yoga teacher for one person does not necessarily make a good yoga teacher for another. Some people prefer a teacher with a very hands-off approach, while others like one who is very actively involved. Some people like a yoga class with lot of personal attention, while others like one where they are free to delve into the practice almost alone. Some people like an upbeat yoga class with lots of energy, while others like a slower more sedate one. It all depends on you, and the only way to find out is through trial and error.

A yoga class may not be right for you at all. I have actually loved yoga for a good long time, and I am even thinking about taking yoga teacher training, but for some people the martial arts are more their style. Some people just do not do well with the long, sustained poses that a yoga class requires. If you do not have the attention span for this, something more active like a martial art may be much better for you than a yoga class can. There is no right way or wrong way. It all comes down to personal choice.

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