Tuesday 30 November 2010

Work Out Videos

If you look under my television, you will find a stack of work out videos that I no longer use. In fact, you may find this in almost any home in the world. So many people buy them, use them a few times, and then never touch them again. The problem is that there are so many different types of programs out there you have no way of knowing what you will like and what you will stick with once you begin.

You can find hundreds of different types of work out videos in every store that sells movies and other DVDs. Most of the ones on the market now come in tape or DVD, but they are the same work out videos you have been buying for years. If you were to look at the stash in my entertainment center you would think I was the fittest person in the world. I have enough of them to make a hefty sum on eBay if I wanted to resell my work out videos, but I suspect the ones I have are too old now to be of any interest.

I haven’t bought any work out videos lately because I guess I have gotten smarter about the whole situation. I think I bought a yoga DVD because it was on sale for a few dollars, but I got through about five minutes of it before I shut it off. That’s a sad statement if you really think about it. There are just too many elements in many work out videos that are just too annoying. If you can do them with the sound off, that might be better, but you can’t really do that until you are familiar with the workout. By that point, you are ready to hunt the instructor down for a good tar and feathering.

If you want to buy work out videos, think about what you like before you buy, and don’t think you have to get something that is structured to get a good workout. Believe it or not, the work out DVDs that I use the most is something that is not meant to be a work out. I use a few of the Wiggle’s DVDs that my daughter loves. They are a lot of fun, and because I love the Wiggles, I don’t mind dancing to them over and over again. You can find unconventional work out videos if you use your imagination and think about your purchase before you buy.

Yoga Class

Finding the right yoga class for you can be quite a struggle. I speak from experience. I have been going to yoga classes for 10 years now, but it has only been within the last couple that I found a yoga center that works for me. I've tried every style, and every school of yoga that there is – at least every school of yoga that I know about. I have tried Bikram yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, kundalini, Iyengar – basically every type that is taught in this country, but there have been no yoga teachers that I've met who have jibed with me. Now don't get me wrong, I have loved some of my yoga teachers quite dearly, as well as many of my yoga classes, but none of them took an approach that really met all of my needs.

Taking a yoga class is a deeply personal experience. For some people, the right yoga Center is easy to find. All they need in a yoga class is a place to go exercise, and so they do not have to look very hard to find one. For others, however, especially those of us who want to go deeply into the practice of yoga, finding the perfect yoga class is much more difficult. What makes a good yoga teacher for one person does not necessarily make a good yoga teacher for another. Some people prefer a teacher with a very hands-off approach, while others like one who is very actively involved. Some people like a yoga class with lot of personal attention, while others like one where they are free to delve into the practice almost alone. Some people like an upbeat yoga class with lots of energy, while others like a slower more sedate one. It all depends on you, and the only way to find out is through trial and error.

A yoga class may not be right for you at all. I have actually loved yoga for a good long time, and I am even thinking about taking yoga teacher training, but for some people the martial arts are more their style. Some people just do not do well with the long, sustained poses that a yoga class requires. If you do not have the attention span for this, something more active like a martial art may be much better for you than a yoga class can. There is no right way or wrong way. It all comes down to personal choice.

Yoga Clothes

America is fat. Fat, fat, fat. Are we doing anything about it? Well yes, we are. We are doing a lot. It is just not enough. Even with the multitude of diets and exercise routines out there we, as a nation, are still fat and something needs to change.

I think that a big part of the reason why Americans can’t lose weight and keep it off has to do with stress. We are overworked and tired. We are stressed out beyond our limits and something has to give. I believe that if more Americans did a better job of handling their stress we would be healthier, happier, and, of course, skinnier.

One of the most enjoyable ways to get a handle on stress is to practice yoga. All you need is a yoga mat and yoga clothes and you are ready to go. Anyone can practice yoga regardless of age, shape, or weight. If you are out of shape and doubt that you could keep up with yoga, think again. There are may different forms of yoga and you can surely find one that suits you and your needs.

First things first – get your stuff together. As I said, all you need is a yoga mat and yoga clothes. Mats are everywhere and so are the yoga clothes! You can find an entire outfit perfect for practicing yoga at Target these days. You may even be able to find something at Wal-Mart. All you need to look for when shopping for good yoga clothes is comfort.

Yoga clothes have to be comfortable. They need to be stretchy so that they move with your body as you go through the different moves. Look for pants that fit loosely, not tightly. This is not a nightclub or a fashion show. Keep the shape of your thighs to yourself and buy a decent pair of pants.

My favorite yoga clothes are also my favorite lounging clothes. Great yoga clothes can easily be worn as pajamas because they are so comfy. I look for shirts and pants that have long, sleek lines. I also try to get a pant that has a bit of a flair. I cannot say that it helps me practice yoga at all, just chalk it up to personal style. The most important thing is that you are comfortable. Yoga is meant to strengthen the body as well as the mind so get yourself into as peaceful as a place as is possible. You may be amazed at how much a little stress-relieving activity can do for your whole self.

Yoga Mats

America is the fattest country in the world and that reputation has started to get to us. Now more than ever Americans are trying to lose weight and get into shape. There is an endless supply of diets and exercise routines, so why are we still so fat? I think that a big part of the equation has to do with our mental health.

I think that it has a lot do to with stress. Stress causes all kinds of health problems and I believe it makes some people gain weight or hold on to the weight that they already have and are trying to get rid of. If we are truly going to become a healthier country, I believe that we need to focus more on the importance of stress relief.

One of the best and most popular ways to relieve stress is yoga. Yoga has become wildly popular in this country and the world over. Many people get great results by doing simple yoga exercises regularly and these people also report that a great deal of stress relief comes with the exercise.

Before you get started there is one very important thing you need to get your hands on – some yoga mats. Yoga mats can be found everywhere now, even at your local K-Mart. They can be very inexpensive so there is no reason not to have an extra one. I keep one in my house for home exercise and one in my car for when I go to the gym. Having two yoga mats just makes it easier on me because I won’t be able to forget to bring one with me or take it back inside the house.

Having your own yoga mats is crucial when it comes to doing yoga. If you do to a yoga class without one you will quickly find that you are the only without one. As I said, you can find very affordable ones all over the place now so you will never have to be without one.

I suppose that I ought to say that you really do need to use yoga mats while doing the exercises. There is a reason that people use them and you should follow their lead. Yoga mats cling to the floor and make it easier for you to hold those crazy positions without shifting or sliding around. I have, on more than one occasion, had to learn this lesson the hard way and I do not recommend it.

yoga postures

Yoga, the Indian tradition that focuses on both the spiritual and physical awareness of the body, uses specific exercises and postures to help the individual achieve quietude and harmony. There are many different types of yoga postures, and many different types of yoga - including bhakti, jnana, karma, kundalini, laya, raja and hatha yoga, which is very popular in the West. Yoga is very self-contained, in the sense that it does not rely on expensive equipment to be able to do – a mat and some comfortable clothing will usually be adequate for all types of yoga postures.

Yoga exercises requires that the person places themselves in various postures, or asanas, to strengthen and align the spinal column, thought to be the location of the chakras, or the body’s centers of energy. Different yoga postures are thought to tap in and release certain energy points in the body if done correctly. It is always advisable for the beginners that they do not strain their bodies to do too much at first; for the aim of yoga is not to be able to do all the postures, but to learn how to do the one’s you can, correctly.

All yoga instructors teach how to ally the breathing to the physical movements, but some will spend more time than others on breathing exercises, rather than the yoga postures themselves. Many yoga instructors include some form of simple meditation in their lessons, and some will spend some of their time discussion the philosophy behind the discipline.

There are a few different yoga postures that are popular amongst the asanas, and include the eagle posture position, the seated spinal twist, and the tree posture. All of these exercises are fairly basic and require little strain on the body.

The eagle posture position relaxes the neck and shoulders while opening up the chest. The spinal twist helps to alleviate pressure in the mid and lower back, promoting relaxation and allowing the creative energy to flow. The tree posture focuses on achieving stability, strength and balance. All of the yoga postures require use of the breath to complement the stretches.

Aside from the benefits of a mentally and physically integrated approach to wellness, yoga is particularly effective because its fundamental teachings can be applied to all aspects of life. So, unlike setting aside an hour, separate and different, from the rest of the day to exercise, practicing the different yoga postures and techniques can become a way of life – an integral part of a more holistic, balanced life.

Yoga Studio

I am a pretty straightforward guy. I am, have always been, and always will be an atheist, and I do not ascribe to anyone's superstitions. I do not care if they are Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, or a member of one of the many New Age cults that seem to be taking over the entire West Coast nowadays. No matter what, it all seems like nonsense to me. None of it is worth my time.

Because of this, it is a tremendous challenge finding a good yoga studio. Now, with the popularity of yoga classes nowadays among practical, upwardly mobile business types, you would expect there to be more places where you can study the art deeply without being subject to a barrage of superstitious nonsense. Perhaps it is just where I live – Berkeley California is not known to be a haven for the practically minded. Whatever the reason, however, every time I try one of the newest yoga studios I hear about, it is hard to make it through class without laughing.

Honestly, I would have never gone to a yoga studio in the first place if it were not for health problems. Sitting at a computer all day can do terrible things to your back. I never really paid much attention to it until it was too late. Although physical therapy helped, what I really needed was classes at a yoga studio to help me get back in shape. I was taking yoga classes at a local fitness center, and was unhappy with them. They just did not seem to go deeply enough into the practice of yoga. But honestly, the yoga studio was so much worse.

It seems that all of the yoga instructors that I've met have one thing in common. They think that we are there to hear a sermon, and that their status as yoga teachers qualifies them as spiritual leaders. I don't want to hear about letting go of past anger. I don't want to hear about taking more time to relax. I get all that from my life coach. If it makes you feel happy to believe all of that hokum, more power to you. What I want is a yoga studio that will show me the breathing, the postures, and the theory behind them without all of the religious superstition. Until I can find something like that, I'll have to put up with all of the silly spiritual talk.

Yoga Teacher Training

Every day folks are questioning their careers. They wonder if they're in the right profession or not. I'm not going to lie; I do this as well. More importantly, my wife does it all the time. I'm talking daily. From where I'm standing, that's not a good thing. This is why I encourage her to pursue other career options. What she needs is a change of scenery. Maybe it's time to go back to college and acquire that teaching degree, become a marine biologist, or just attain some yoga teacher training. Anything but what she doing now. Personally, I'm all for the yoga thing. This way she could teach me at home.

I received my very first yoga experience a few months back. It was at our local YMCA. Hey, before you diss our YMCA, you should know that it's the largest one in the country. Now I have to admit that I used to pick on and joke about the YMCA. I always considered it a cheesy family workout center. Well, it actually is, but the YMCA we have is phenomenal. It certainly changed my viewpoint. The place has 8 swimming pools. It's really quite awesome. Anyway, I decided to sit in on a yoga class. You know, to see what it's all about. I must admit I liked it. The class had me wondering what it would take to acquire some yoga teacher training. Maybe I should teach yoga for a living. They can't be doing too awful bad. I saw the teacher pull out of the parking lot in a 2006 Lexus SUV. That's reassuring. But seriously, imagine that you received yoga teacher training, and began teaching a class such as this. How hard could your day possibly be? You go into the YMCA or where ever it is you're teaching, you guide a group of people through a standard yoga routine for about an hour and then what? Maybe you have 3 or 4 classes each day. That's easy! What is that compared to the standard 8 hour a day work-week? The more I ponder this option, the more ideal it sounds.

So, are you getting tired of your hectic career and cramped cubicle? Hey, join the club. My wife can definitely relate to this burden. I've got to get her some yoga teacher training and fast. Once she's in there and teaching, maybe I can then get a free membership to the YMCA.

Yoga Techer

In the pursuit of finding a great job that can help people stay in great shape, many individuals are looking into yoga teacher training. This training can be the stepping stone to a lucrative career that can really help you maintain good health and balance. While some like to go to classes in person, others opt to take yoga teacher training courses online instead.

There are many benefits to taking the classes online. You can pretty much set your own schedule. The yoga teacher training courses available through Internet instruction can be completed in a year or less. Basically, certification through some of these organizations is measured by hours.

In order to earn a yoga teacher training certificate at level one would require 200 hours of study. You should beware of organizations that write out diplomas indiscriminately. If you are not held to high standards, then you can expect that your yoga teacher training program is not really up to snuff.

Remember that the minimum number of hours to complete level-one training is 200 hours. If an organization certifies you with less than that number of hours under your belt then you might want to consider a different yoga teacher training program completely.

Even though the notion of getting through the program quickly is appealing, it does no one any good. You definitely want to take yoga teacher training seriously and getting by on the minimum or less than the minimum may come back to haunt you in the future. Health and fitness is a very serious field of study even when it seems like a breeze.

This is a very demanding industry that requires dedication and skill. Your yoga teacher training program should reflect that in its teachings. The program should also prepare you to teach yoga in a number of different places and circumstances. You should be prepared whether you are working one-on-one or with a group of individuals in a public place.

The efficient yoga training at level 2 is 500 hours. It is a great idea to invest the extra time and money to reach this level of certification. You can find better jobs and more consistent work if you have dedicated yourself to a higher level of education.

The good news is that you can complete your yoga teacher training in as long as an entire year or in as little as three months. If you really put your mind and heart into to program you will find yourself where you want to be in the near future.

Benefits of yoga therapy

There are many benefits to practicing yoga - that ancient Indian discipline that serves to enlighten and help “still the mind”. Yoga therapy has been used increasingly in the West, and yoga classes are popping up in cities across the U.S. The physical and mental challenges that yoga can provide have been seen to yield increasingly greater health benefits for people.

One reason why yoga therapy appears to be so popular and beneficial is because it works on many levels. It can be viewed simply as a system of physical exercise, or as a profound philosophy, and yoga teachers vary in the amount of emphasis they place on different aspects.

Yoga is non-competitive, and suitable for people of all ages, whether they have health problems or not. Yoga therapy has been shown to benefit the body physically. Some people that practice yoga on a regular basis have been able to lower blood pressure, increase their energy, increase their balance, and improve their strength and flexibility. Still others have been able to help improve their hormonal function.

Other mental benefits go hand and hand with yoga therapy. It can help to relieve stress and mild depression, improve concentration and memory, and induce a sense of calmness in people.

Disabled people can benefit from yoga therapy too, and it has been found especially helpful in certain specific ailments, notably asthma and multiple sclerosis.

People can derive more benefits from yoga if they practice for a short time each day, in addition to the lesson, which will usually be weekly in some form of a class. There are many books and tapes which help with home practice, but it is very important to remember that they are only meant to act as a back-up to regular lessons with an instructor.

Many people who find work stressful can benefit greatly from yoga therapy. To still the restlessness of the mind, simple breathing exercises can be employed without having to leave one’s desk. Breathing is an integral aspect of yoga, and it generates heat, relaxes the body and helps to block out distractions. Deep breathing expands the stomach during inhalation, which lowers the diaphragm and creates a vacuum that can help draw more air into the lungs. Repeating breathing exercises 15 to 20 times helps the body in preparation for yoga exercises.

Yoga breathing techniques have been used by professional athletes to improve performance. By breathing deeply through the nose, oxygen is drawn into the lower lungs. The lower lungs contain more blood and have greater oxygen-exchange capacity. Therefore, oxygen, the essential for muscle function, can be delivered in higher concentration to fuel the muscles through yoga therapy.

At a glance




  • 130 grams (4.59 ounces) with battery


  • Type: Touch screen with pinch-to-zoom capability
  • Size: 3.7 inches
  • Resolution: 480 x 800 WVGA
Screen size: 94 mm (3.7")

Detailed specifications

CPU Processing Speed

1 GHz


Internal storage: 8 GB
ROM: 512 MB
RAM: 576 MB


  • 3.5 mm stereo audio jack
  • Standard micro-USB (5-pin micro-USB 2.0)


  • G-Sensor
  • Digital compass
  • Proximity sensor
  • Ambient light sensor


  • Weather, Stocks, Converter, Photo Enhancer, Sound Enhancer, and more.
  • Downloadable apps and games.


  • See photos from your camera, Facebook® and Windows Live™ accounts in the Pictures hub.
  • Music and Videos Hub powered by Zune® lets you listen to radio, download music, and more
  • Dolby Mobile and SRS surround sound
Audio supported formats:
  • .m4a, .m4b, .mp3, .wma (Windows Media Audio 9)
Video supported formats:
  • Playback:.3gp, .3g2, .mp4, .m4v, .mbr, .wmv (Windows Media Video 9 and VC-1)
  • Recording:.mp4

Power & Battery2

Battery type: Rechargeable Lithium-ion battery polymer or Lithium-ion battery
Capacity: 1300 mAh
Talk time:
  • WCDMA: Up to 330 mins
  • GSM: Up to 405 mins
Standby time3:
  • WCDMA: Up to 435 hours
  • GSM: Up to 360 hours


  • HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
  • GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Asia Pacific:
  • HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
  • GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz


Windows® Phone OS 7


  • 8 megapixel color camera
  • Auto focus and Xenon flash
  • 720p HD video recording
  • Built-in scenes include candlelight, landscape, and portrait match the environment of your subject


  • Up to 7.2 Mbps download speed
  • Up to 2 Mbps upload speed
  • Up to 114 kbps downloading
  • Up to 560 kbps downloading
  • Wi-Fi®: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n


  • Bluetooth® 2.1 with Enhanced Data Rate
  • A2DP for wireless stereo headsets
  • Other supported profiles: AVRCP, HFP, HSP, PBAP


  • Internal GPS antenna
  • Bing™ Maps

Special Features

  • Customize your phone with live tiles which dynamically update all key information right on the Start screen
  • Choose from thousands of video titles and music tracks via integrated Zune® services
  • Play console-quality video games with XBox LIVE® integration

Recommended Windows System Requirements

  • Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, or Windows® XP
  • Zune® software

Monday 29 November 2010

Nokia X6-00 Full specification and Detail


Asus AIR3 Speaker Made for iPod


Monday 22 November 2010

Different Skin Types

Your skin care routine depends large on the kind of skin you have and determining this takes a keen eye and good judgment. Skin types vary according to the essential oils present in them and how they react to the weather conditions. Essentially, there are the following skin types:
Dry, Oily, Normal, Combination and Sensitive skin types.


* Those belonging to the category of dry skin types are possessed of complexion that lacks both sebum and moisture. This kind of skin appears fine textured, transparent, patchy and fragile and has a tendency to flake and chap easily. Fine lines and wrinkles are therefore more obvious on dry skin. Dry skin can be determined if a person has flaky patches that disappear with regular moisturizing, finely textured skin with the pores not visible, tiny expression lines that do not disappear and the skin on the neck and cheeks appears chafed. Dry skin can be controlled through intensive skin care routine and plenty of hydration therapy, which includes a healthy balanced diet, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, 7-8 glasses of water and at least eight hours of sleep.

* Complexion care basics for all skin types includes proper hygiene, adequate rest and rejuvenation, a balanced and timely diet and regular exercise to keep the blood and oxygen supply in top form-and keep that natural glow ever present on your face!

* Oily skin types are persons that have an over reactive sebaceous (oil-producing) glands. The abundance of these glands makes the face shiny especially down the central panel- also called the T-zone. This T-zone includes your nose, forehead and chin. This over activity of the sebaceous glands causes the pores of this skin type to become enlarged and thereby prone to skin disorders like blackheads, pimples and Acne. Oily skin types need to take extra special cleansing care to keep the pores unclogged and maintain a daily method of gentle cleansing to prevent accumulation of dirt on the skin surface. However, care must be taken not to zealously over do the cleansing bit as this can aggravate the condition further so the prudent beauty advice would be to cleanse only with a product meant for oily skin, not more than thrice a day. This should be followed by patting on a toner/astringent on the oily areas of your skin to help control the excess oil.

* Sensitive skin types are those persons who have skin that reacts in a non-conventional way, both externally and internally, to changes in life. This skin type can be either oily and/or dry and tends to be easily disturbed by skin-care products and cosmetics. Sensitive skin can get blotchy and result in broken veins appearing on the surface of the skin while also showing increased redness or causing itchiness in a person. Consulting a dermatologist in serious cases is advisable as proper medical care may be needed to survive with such delicate skin condition and reactions as sensitive skin types are prone to.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Eid Salwar Kameez Designs 2010-11 For Girls

Fashion is something which is undefinable as it changes with the time and culture. Anything can come in vogue when it becomes popular irrespective of its color, design or style. Now a days long kurtas or kameez or qameez or shirts with trousers of different styles are becoming popular specially among young girls and women. These long kurtas or kameez can be designed in cotton or other clothes. Here are some samples or designs of long shirts and trousers.

The designs are simple, classy, sophisticated and above all wearable. A combination of cut and embroidery gives style. The focus is on finishing which is very important. I don’t follow a particular norm; instead went by the international fashion scene and moods. As long as an outfit is beautifully tailored, finished well, uses a good fabric, it is rated high on the selling scale – color has no criterian.

Now a days long shirts are in fashion with straight pant trousers.The focus is on chiffon dresses with ribbon, patch work, printed and striped shirts with straight plain pant trousers. Gorgeous Eid Clothes are one of the prime features of spectacular Eid celebrations. Shopping for Eid Clothes, usually, starts a month prior to Eid in order to avoid any last minute rush and confusion. In this post, we have collected somebeat designs for you on this eid. we hope that you will like these latest dresses.

Eid Salwar Kameez 2011

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Wednesday 17 November 2010

Pancake Syrup Chicken Wings


Tuesday 16 November 2010

Natural Makeup Tips

Makeup is a fun addition to any woman’s look; however, if used incorrectly it can appear trashy or, worse. However, makeup can be applied in a natural and feminine way if used correctly and sparingly. With winter around the corner, natural beauty wants to come out and play. These beauty tips for natural makeup will tell you how to apply (less) makeup for a natural look. Not every girl needs to be barbie gaga and not everyday. Sometimes, natural (or even no) makeup lights the way.

Everyone wants to wear makeup but we all want it to naturally enhance what we already have, so how do we get the best of both worlds by creating natural makeup looks. Many find this a hard look to achieve but actually its easier than you think.

When going for a natural makeup look, figure out your favorite facial features. You can have stronger eyes, or more defined lips, but not both. If you want to apply makeup to all your facial features, keep the look as minimal as possible. Look below for easy tips on creating natural makeup.

Natural Makeup Tips for Eyes:

If you consider your eyes to be your best feature, only put mascara on your top lashes enhancing your eyes and making them look bigger. Consider using brown or clear mascara rather than black black mascara is very heavy for summer, and gives you a more night-time look. Apply eyeliner to only the outer part of your eye. This elongates your eyes, again making them look bigger. If you can, avoid eyeliner completely.

Adding a touch of natural eyeshadow in nearly nude or earth colors such as brown and beige can add a natural brightness or sparkle to your eyes. Using a subtle eyeshadow color to complement your eye color can work just as well (for example, if you have green eyes, a shade of khaki would enhance your natural eye color).

Another option if you like to carry as little makeup as possible is to put nude concealer or foundation on the upper lids of your eyes, and a touch underneath. This instantly brightens your eyes without looking as though you are wearing any makeup. Vaseline is also a girl’s best friend, it feels a bit heavy and sticky, but a touch of vaseline on your upper eyelids refracts the light to enhance your eyes. We’ll be mentioning vaseline again – Mookychick does love vaseline so.

Natural Makeup Tips for Lips:

If you consider your lips to be your best feature, nude lip-gloss is definitely the best way to give your lips a natural shimmer. For paler skin, the perfect nude lip-gloss includes the more peachy-pink colors which will draw attention to your lips and add a pretty glow to your face.

For more olive-skinned girls, lean towards a warmer tone. For those with darker skin, you can afford to go for deeper pink tones. All skin tones look fantastic with a clear gloss.

Natural Makeup Tips for Face:

Lightly apply the blush to the apples of your cheeks. Blend the cheek color until a sun kissed glow is achieved. Last but not least, use a pink glossy finish on your lips. If you touch up your makeup every two hours, you’ll stay fresh and glowing. All you need is your cream blush, lip gloss and translucent powder compact.

Makeup Tips For Girls

The purpose of daily makeup is generally to maintain your looks on a regular basis. So this includes the simple things that help you proceed in your daily life. However, applying cosmetics on a daily basis may not be a good idea as too much of it could prove harmful for the skin. But the argument in its favor says that daily makeup helps the women feel more confident.

Daily Makeup Tips

* Always remember that while using the cosmetics on a daily basis you should use only quality products.
* Therefore choosing the cosmetics is an important step as it is directly related to the skin care and health.
* For the purpose of daily makeup usually powder cosmetics are preferred because they not only keep the shine under control but also contain less preservatives and skin irritants as compared to the liquid ones.
* In case you cannot avoid use of the liquid foundation then you should opt for one, which has a silicone base because the silicone base does not cause acne.
* If you apply makeup daily then you also need to remove it daily and for this you may need to use the makeup remover.
* But remember that using makeup remover to clean out waterproof cosmetics also wipes out the protective layer of sebum from the skin, therefore you should use waterproof cosmetics only occasionally and not on routine basis.
* You should never use the cosmetics that have crossed their expiry dates because it could be extremely harmful.
* You should also wash and clean the makeup brushes and sponges regularly.
* Normal life span of the cosmetics
o Mascaras: about 3 to 4 months
o Foundations: last for 1 year
o Lipsticks: last for 1 year
o Powder: last for about 2 years
o Eye shadows: last for about 2 years.
+ For the purpose of daily makeup Pencil eyeliner and eyebrow pencils that are wax based should be preferred because they can be cleaned off easily by using water only.
* For the daily makeup light earth tones are preferable as they not only give a natural look but also are less likely to cause skin irritation than the darker colors.
* You should use a broad-spectrum sunscreen. The sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor 15 or higher and with ingredients such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide is very effective in avoiding the harmful effects of UVA rays.
* However, for the daily use cosmetics with fewer ingredients are much safer therefore you should opt for the cosmetics that contain not more than 10 ingredients.
* Though nail polishes are very important for giving a beautiful look to your hands but they are not for daily use.
* For a quick pedicure you should scrape the dead skin off the soles of your feet after shower using an emery board.
* You should rub them over with lotion or olive oil or petroleum jelly and push back the cuticles of your toenails.
* You can wear socks all the time to maintain them.
* For a quick manicure you can follow the similar procedure.
* You can maintain them by wearing gloves at night.

Eyeshadow For Green Eyes: Perfect Eye Make Up Solution

People who have green eyes have certain colors and techniques that look best when it comes to applying eye shadow. A person who has green eyes will not use the same colors and tones as a person who has brown or blues eyes. If a green-eyed woman wants to play up this feature on her face and make her eyes stand out, there are certain things she should know about how to apply eye shadow.

Choosing eyeshadow for green eyes can be a lot of fun, as they are fit for a wide range of colors from turquoise to chartreuse to forest green to bright light green and so on. Many tips are available for green eyes make up, but there are exceptions to every rule. So, the best advice is to try everything until you find out what looks best for your eyes.

Best Eyeshadow for Green Eyes:

While looking for the perfect eyeshadow for green eyes, an important factor that has to be considered is one’s skin tone. Usually, people with green colored eyes have very fair to medium skin tone. However, there are also dark skinned people who have green eyes. Moreover, as green has several shades like turquoise, forest green, chartreuse, light or very dark green, the shade of the eyeshadow will also depend upon this factor. Therefore, here are some eyeshadow tips for green eyes that will aid you while choosing one that suits your eye color.

* One of the best colors that is most commonly used by people with green eyes is brown. Most of the shades available in brown color go well with green eyes, however, one that looks really great is chocolate brown. Other than brown, even dark green is a good color that will look fabulous on green eyes.
* Apart from brown and dark green, other shades that adds to the beauty of green eyes include beige, cream, lavender, coral, light green, medium pink, soft purple, peach, lilacs, coral and mocha. Even yellow is said to be a great shade that goes really well with people who have green colored eyes. These shades are usually used for base eye makeup and also can be used for the blusher.
* Once you have chosen the base color that heightens the look of your eyes, the next step is to choose the highlighters. For everyday makeup, using taupe or apricot shade to highlight your eyes is a good choice. Whereas, if you want an evening look, it is best to go for darker shades like metallics, dark purples, mauve, gray with purple undertones, plum, etc. Gold and copper shades are used to achieve a glamorous look and should be saved for special occasions.
* While you are looking for an eyeshadow for green eyes, one of the most important things that you have to know is the eyeshadow that does not go well with green eyes. Basically, you have to avoid cool colors including white, blue, silver, light pink, etc., as these colors give a dull look to the splendid green eyes. It is also important to stay away from pastel shades as such colors are preferred as eyeshadow for blue eyes. Know more about eye makeup for green eyes.

How to Apply Eye Shadow for Green Eyes:

Some women simply take an eye shadow brush and sweep it over their eyelids, but if they are serious about making their eyes pop there is a little more to it than that. An eye shadow primer should be used on the eyelids before applying the shadow.

This helps to keep the color in place and keeps it on the eyes for a longer period of time. It can also help eye shadow colors be more visible. If a person has no primer, foundation or concealer can also work for this purpose as well.

An eye shadow brush should always be used to apply the shadow and blend the products as well. Using a finger spreads bacteria to the eye and can also leave harsh lines of makeup around the face. A woman should invest in a good set of eye shadow brushes and clean them on a regular basis.

Start with the lightest eye shadow color first and sweep it over the entire eyelid. This is the base color but may not be the main color that shows through. Apply the second color to the base of the eyelid but be sure to not pull on the eyelid. Instead, lightly close it to apply the shadow. Blend the colors together so that no hard lines can be seen. A third color can be used, but it should be the darkest color and only applied to the outside of the eyes and along the lash line.

Learning how to apply eye shadow for green eyes can make all the difference in the appearance of women with that shade of eyes. Learning how to highlight the eyes with the proper complementary colors and apply the shadow so it looks professionally done can easily make a woman go from dull to delicious.

Top Party Makeup Tips For Girl: Ideas To Get Perfect Look

Find the hottest party makeups and get the most sexy look. Prom, wedding, or any other kind of party makeup ideas are all here to help you out. Do’s and don’ts assure you to be up to date with the trends and the easiest party makeup tutorials provide you a step by step guide to your perfect seducing looks. Party makeup trends and glamorous styles for every personality. Get your special look and have fun with a diva party makeup.

Party Make Up Tips

Choose the Best Feature

A common mistake made when preparing for the prom or graduation is to overdo makeup. Big smokey eyes with dark lips can take away from your natural beauty. Choose what you think is your best feature and play that up. Downplay the rest of your face with more natural or subtle tones and give all the attention to your favorite part. It will make you look fresh and lovely and keep you from looking overly made up.


Color choices are key to keeping beauty looking natural and flawless. Foundation should be as close a match as possible to your natural skin tone. To find a good color of blush, try matching up your foundation to blush colors. Some blushes will stand out as inappropriate for your face, such as a bright pink with an olive complexion. The blush should compliment your skin tone, not contrast with it. Think of it like the tone of your skin when you become flushed, but more subtle.

Choosing eye makeup color is easy as long as you know what tones work best with your skin and eye color. Those with green eyes tend to look best with dusty purples and taupe, blue eyes with browns, and brown eyes with blues or plum colors. These rules always apply for a natural look. To change over to evening, just choose slightly darker shades than you would wear for daytime. You should have three shades of complimentary shadows. Choose eyeliners a shade or two darker than your darkest eyeshadow. If the eyes are carrying strong colors for the night, go for a light lip gloss that complements the blush choice. If the lips will be the choice feature for the evening, go bold with a dark red or pink. Remember, don’t go bold on more than one feature.


Always begin with covering any blemishes with a quality concealer. Put an even coat of foundation over your skin. Some prefer creams, but mineral foundation applied with a brush has gained in popularity since it provides a nice even coat of coverage. Add blush to the apples of the cheeks and just the smallest touch to any places that the sun would hit, such as nose, forehead and chin. When applying eye makeup, begin with the lightest color. Work above the eye crease and place coverage over the area between the crease and the eyebrow. Work the darkest color just into the crease area. Brush a medium shade complementary color over the lid itself. Eyeliner can be applied on just the top lid or both for a dramatic effect. Evening makeup looks usually have a darker, thicker line than daytime. Mascara tops off the look of the eyes. For evening, black or dark brown mascara are great choices. Lips are the finishing touch.

Other Tips

Don’t have eyebrows waxed or plucked on the day of the event. Grooming can sometimes leave redness or dots on the upper eye, which are very difficult to conceal. Try to groom them about 2 days before the event. Be sure to bring any essentials with you to the prom or party. Carry a small purse and keep your lip color, foundation and mascara in it just in case of a makeup emergency. You never know when you might get teary remembering all of your great high school times, and having backup makeup for when your mascara runs is always a good idea.

Arabic Makeup Styles and Trends in 2010

Arabic makeup is best know for its dramatic emphasis on eyes and lips. This particular makeup style consists of dark and dramatic eyes, bronzer and bold lip colors. While many individuals believe that the goal of wearing makeup is to subtly emphasize your features, Arabic makeup takes a much bolder approach.

The Arabic culture seems to be stylish, attractive, and mysterious. Get all the sensual arabic look applied into your makeup using our tips and guidance to take advantage of the magical arabic image.

Explore the latest awesome and elegant arabic makeup styles and trends for different occasions and functions.

Arabic Makeup

Arabic Makeup

Arabic Makeuo

Arabic Makeup

Arabic Makeup

Arabic Makeup

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Swimwear For Mature Women

Are you a woman who loves the beach but dreads it just because of the idea of wearing a swimsuit? Is the reason you dread wearing a swimsuit, your age? Then you do not have to worry and you certainly do not need to shy away at the idea of it. Your age should not determine how much fun you want to have.

There are several different kinds of swimsuits available out there that you can get. Plenty of choices to select the one that suits you the most and the one that you are the most comfortable in. You can keep in mind a few things while selecting one for yourself.

Avoid bikinis

You should avoid bikinis just because of your age, even if you look good in them. Maintain the class and sophistication that comes with age with a single piece suit that will enhance your figure. It will make you look more stylish and classy.

Enhance your figure

Highlight the parts that are attractive. If you have a large bust, you can wear bright colours on the top. This will keep attention off your flabby tummy and on your beautiful, full bust. You can go for halter tops, cross strap tops, which will support your bust better. Use a sarong or wrap to cover up the not so flattering spare tires on your tummy. Some styles come with extra fabric crisscrossing your body. This will be good for better containment. Extra lycra fibres in your swimwear will give a better shape to your body.

Go for tankinis

These are a good option for you because they are two piece and yet you can cover your flab with them. Halter top necks are a good option in tankinis because they offer good flexibility. You can choose a smaller size for the top and larger for the bottom or vice versa.

Other flattering styles

Boy leg swimwear is a good comfortable option that also is flattering to the figure. Some of them help to disguise a flabby tummy using hidden tummy control panels and elastic waist belts, which you can adjust according to your comfort.

Splice swimwear is also very stylish and classy. It comes with the hidden control panel. Other styles like the V-neck tank suits are suitable for both long and short torsos.

You can select swimwear with puckered fabric that will help to conceal imperfections and enhance your figure.

You can keep these things in mind and get rid of your hesitation to go to the beach just because you are aging.

Right size for plus size women clothing

There are a wide range of styles available in all the stores for plus size women’s clothing. The online world specializes in this area of women’s clothing. If the choice of outfit is made right, then it can really flatter your figure. In addition to that, the right and comfortable outfit can make you feel very confident.

Your feminine figure can be accentuated by choosing the right plus size dress.

The choice of the waist should be very sensibly made. Go in for slightly higher waists and a waist line just below the bust line. This will enhance the shape of your figure by shaping that part which is most slim. It gives beautiful and amazing shape to the body. The length of the outfit should be right for the perfect look. The knee length dresses or dresses slightly below the knees give that perfect desired look. There is lot of variety and styles available for plus size women in sweaters. With the right V- neck or deep V- necklines the attention can be focused on the beautiful face or neckline and in this way you can over shadow those parts of the body which do not want to get noticed. A sweater with a slight curve at the waist line can prove wonders for your figure and enhance the shape of your figure.

A sweater or cardigan set will make your figure look well shaped as well as slim.

To give the desired and attractive shape to your legs and to make them look slim, go for the right plus size pants. Avoid wearing tapered leg jeans and instead go in for straight fit jeans for a taller and slimmer look. Darker shades and patterns such as vertical lines can prove wonders for your figure. Plus size lingerie should be carefully picked up. Since it is not easily available, one has to work really hard for it. Go online to search a wide range of styles, colors and sizes. One of the most important parts of women’s clothing is the bra. A plus size woman should be extra careful while buying it, as you need extra support and a proper fit. Pick up the right size, as the wrong size can make you feel very uncomfortable.

Even swimwear variety is in abundance for a plus size woman. Mix and match a single colored bottom with a patterned top piece to highlight certain areas and avoid giving attention to the areas which are not desirable. You can go for a one piece swim suit which has a flickered fabric around the waist line for a slimmer waistline look.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Helpful Dressing Tips For Short Women

Here are a few tips for the not so blessed with height.


The usual mistake that most of the short women commit is using belts the wrong way. A wide belt, especially the one with different colored upper part acts as a separator and divides the body in two parts, thus highlighting the tallness of the figure. A better choice would be a slim, narrower belt that fits well with both, the lower as well the upper part of your body.


It is wrong to believe that longer skirts add to your height. Baggy and very long skirts give you a shorter look. Stick to only straight and ankle length skirts to get the desired looks.


The trick here is to go for straight pants that almost cover your shoes. Such pants give the impression of having long legs

Vertical lines

Something that never fails to give the impression of a few extra inches to your personality is the use of clothing with vertical patterns. Wearing a pair of jeans with a vertical line in the seams contributes to give that illusionary effect of longer legs. Just a line or two suffices to realize your goal.


The most important rule for the not so tall women is to wear high-heeled shoes. The surest way to look taller is the combination of long straight pants with classy high heels. At times even if you prefer to have, open shoes make sure those are with heels to give image of being a taller person.


For some unknown reasons a majority of short women, tend to mix colors without realizing that it’s monochromic clothing that imparts the impression of being taller and slimmer.


Try to give a long look to your neck by patronizing long necklaces and low cuts.

Body Shape

The most significant aspect of looking taller is to recognize your body shape. Is your body curvy, round, boyish or fulsome? Are you with short legs or short in the upper half? Knowing your body is helpful in deciding the kind of clothes you should opt for.

You should give attention to one part of the body and look for ways to appear stylish and taller. If you are short legged, you should be more thoughtful while choosing dresses for the lower part and can afford to take slight freedom with the rest of the dresses.

Learn How To Look Sexy!

You don’t have to dress skimpy in order to look sexy

Sexiness is not about scantily clad women. We have some proven tips you can use to bring that sexiness out while maintaining your class.

Sexy lips

Make your lips sexy by wearing lipstick in a matte shade. It looks even sexier if you top it with a transparent gloss. Never wear red or dark lipstick unless you are wearing all white or all black clothing. Gloss topped with a light rosy tint is sexy and will look better than glossy lipstick. Be sure to line your lips and keep that lipstick off of your teeth!

Wear good quality clothing

The price of some things doesn’t matter but quality shows in clothing. Even if you have a smart eye for bargains, you can easily miss the mark so try to buy good, quality stuff.


You may love red, but be careful with it. Don’t wear it from head to toe unless it’s a simply styled dress and even then, try offsetting it with another color (a gold belt or scarf). Don’t show a great deal of cleavage or too much leg when wearing red.

Showing off that body

Don’t bare too much of your body at one time. If you wear a low neckline, don’t wear a short skirt. If you bare those sexy shoulders, then don’t show cleavage. You want to be sexy, but don’t forget to do it with class.

Exposing bra straps

If you match the color of your bra to your shirt, you can expose the straps. But if they don’t match, please don’t show them!

Feeling sexy

Now that you look sexy, we have some s. You will never be truly sexy unless you feel it from the inside.

• Avoid wearing short sleeves unless your underarms are waxed because you will be too self-conscious to raise your arms.

• Pin your bra straps if your top has an oversized neckline.

• Don’t wear torn clothing .

• Wear sexy undergarments – they will make you feel sexier.

• Look everyone in the eye when you speak to them.

• Walk proudly with perfect posture.

• Exercise often to feel and look fit.

Be sure to choose clothing that makes your feel confident and look sexy

Clothing In Women’s Careers

There are many reasons why career women should look professional in their clothes. One of them is because of whom they are – women and one of their assets as professionals is their image.

The image of a woman should exude confidence in and portray her professionalism. That is why women should choose their wardrobe with care because not all dresses are good for business purposes.

Types of business clothing

There are two general categories of business clothing. These are casual business and conservative business. You must choose your clothes to suit the kind of environment at your work. This can be hard but you can get this done by finding out the dress code of your office. You can ask about this during your interview. This will make you look like someone who takes details into consideration.

How to choose your clothes

Dress code

The best thing to do is to obey your office’s dress code. There are certain things to avoid like extremely high heel shoes, short skirts, dresses with low necklines, and very tight dresses. Generally, dresses considered to be provocative should be avoided because they could be interpreted as trying to impress unethically.

You can get ideas for your choice of clothes in two ways. First, study carefully the dressing policies of your office for the basic facts. You can then add your personalize feel to it to make you feel comfortable and unique. The other way is to observe your colleagues who command respect in the office by management so that you can adopt their way of dressing, but with your own personality reflecting in it.

The fabric

The choice of fabric is another important thing. Your clothes should be easy to manage and must easily be interchangeable with other quality items. This will make your clothes last longer while still keeping their great shape. they should be easy washable as these are the daily wearable clothes.

Prepare for emergencies

Keep a spare blouse at your office for emergencies like spilt tea or any other thing of that nature.

There are some offices with very strict dress codes and mostly these are conservative in nature. This means a preference for suits and skirts.

Maternity Dresses

Buying a good maternity dress can be a very important issue for every pregnant woman out there. Even though a maternity dress is worn only on special occasions, the style and comfort are fully worth it!

It is quite common that when a woman announces that she is pregnant, the party invitations (and other special occasions) start coming in. In most cases, women spend money on dresses that can only be worn on this one special occasion. However, a wise thing to do is to spend your money on a dress that you can wear for more than nine months i.e. even after your pregnancy.

The important thing here is not only to buy a dress that you like or one that is the perfect dress for your tastes, but rather buy a dress that looks good on you and that you can wear on different occasions. Maybe you can find something of that kind, something like the well known and impressive “six way dress”, or even a normal dress with which maternity accessories can be attached.

When it comes to the style you choose and the fashion, be sure not to choose the “smock” look because it says nothing about maternity! The most common styles that women choose right now are dresses with bright colors, bold fabrics and halter necks. When it comes to the color of the dress, you can go with black, for example. A large number of women opt for this color.

Also, keep in mind that some women like to have dresses that are easier to wear with tops and trousers. These things add to the comfort, it is very important to have comfort while being pregnant.

One of the better things about these types of dresses is the versatility and adaptability they offer. A perfect maternity dress is the kind of dress that a pregnant woman can wear without appearing strange to other people and raising eyebrows.

Experiment with different colors and types, there is surely something that fits you. There are clothes designed for going to work, going out, and going to special occasions; the important thing is to find the right compromise between all of those styles.

Plus Size Clothing

A plus size woman normally faces difficulty while buying clothes for herself as modern fashion is for slim body shapes. So if you are a plus size woman facing difficulties while buying clothes, do not worry and keep the following tips in mind every time you go for buying clothes.

First of all, you should go with a clear mindset to buy the clothes. You should be clear in mind about your options and patterns as with a clear mindset you can do much better.

The second thing is never buy clothing instantly if you find that it fits you vaguely. Do search the whole of the market for the perfect size. If you buy the clothes with vague fittings, then you will never be satisfied with your wardrobe. This will also make it difficult for you to choose the clothes of your perfect size every time you have to attend a formal party. So you need to dedicate yourself to the perfect outfit and it will be worth it.

The third thing is that before shopping you should clear your mind from different statements related to a woman’s size. Some say plus size women should wear dark clothes and the others say plus size women should not wear them.

Just feel free yourself and choose the perfect dress for you. Choose a bright color if it suits your skin tone. Similarly you can try all those fashion rules which suit you. Explore fashion magazines and find the perfect fashion rules for you.

One more important thing is to keep yourself updated about the large size women dresses through the web. There are many retailers that can offer you perfect dresses online. There are multiple choices on the web and you can find many which suit you perfectly.

So you can find variety of best options for you, if you are a larger size woman. But it requires some thorough search, time and dedication. You can learn how to buy the perfect plus size woman dress by keeping the above tips in your mind.

Bra Size Guide: How to Find Your Bra Size

7 out of 10 women in the world do not get the right size of their bra. All this is because of the poor knowledge in this subject. You must know that wrong bra size not only looks ugly but affects the fit of clothes and disturbs the look of body shape in every woman.

Some women wear under sized bra while other prefers comfort with oversized ones. More than your clothes, it is the innerwear that must be given attention.

The first thing to do to deal with this problem is to measure your bust size correctly. Now using measuring tape could be tricky and this is the major problem that leads to incorrect size. The initial measurement has to be taken by wrapping tape around the ribcage.

Add about 5 to the measurement and then choose the bra according to this size. Choosing wrong bra size could be because of less availability as well. Even if your size is measured correctly, sometimes the departmental store does not carry the type of bra you need.

Do not blindly buy just anything and search for a store that is meant to give you just what you need and then continue shopping for bras from there only.

You may need to know how you can say if the bra you choose is correct. Well, a good bra would not make your breast fall out below and above the bra when you stretch or move your hands upwards. The mid area of it must rest flat over the rib cage giving a perfect fit and then the band of bra must not cling outwards but stay within the body’s circumference.

A good supportive strap must also be there otherwise it may trouble you to wear the bra. Make sure your breast fit into the cup of bra easily. If you have small breasts, options like padded bras and different cup shapes are available to deal with it but then again, choose wisely. So this is exactly how one can choose the right size and fit of bra for her self. Try it.

Fashion Knee High Boots for Women

Knee high boots, the fashion trend that has had women and some men as well gasping for breath and yearning for it since the past decade.

Having changed drastically from the boots ones used by fisherman and farmers it protect against mud and water; these boots have become a favorite fashion accessory in runway shows as well as the fashion circuits.Famous shoe designers from Christian Louboutin, Michael Kors, Roberto Cavialli to Stella McCartney have designed their own range of fashionable thigh high boots using materials like satin and leather.

From high priced Italian boutiques like Le Silla and Icone to retailers like Aldo and Bebe, everyone seems to be stuck to knee high boots fetish and included then in their designs.So what exactly about these boots has had women excited?

As the name itself suggests, knee high boots are shoes that extend upto the knees or in cases sometimes just below it. The designs and styles have moved drastically from the ugly yellow rubber boots used by workers to include sexier version such as the stiletto knee high boots or the lace up knee high boots.

These boots are made using a range of materials from leather, satin, stretch lycra, denim and soft suede. Synthetic materials like vinyl, polyurethane, and latex are also quite popular. Each material further enhances the distinctive style and look of the boots.While there is an assortment of designs styles available, most of the popular designs feature stiletto heels, wedge heels, platform and pointed toes.

These are further enhanced with buckle details, fur, fringes, chains and zippers. Recently sequined knee high boots as well as those using lace and ribbons have made quite an impact in the party circuits and on runways with their sexy and modern look.

While black seems to be the favorite color for these boots, other colors like white, tan and metallic glitter colors seem to be quite popular as well. Designers have also experimented with colorful patterns and bold colors.

However it is the design whether it is a front-lacing boot with sculpted heels and hidden platform, a fur lined knee high sexy style or skin-tight boot design with hidden platforms that make these boots a favorite among fashionable women. So if you have been yearning for one of these then go out and splurge on one. Team them up with your favorite short dress or jeans and transform into a fashion goddess.

How to Choose a Swimsuit

You have booked your summer holiday and made all the necessary arrangements for travel. One thing you have been postponing is your swimwear shopping.

Go into any mall and there, the search begins… Rows and rows of bikinis, monokinis, and one piece swimsuits all waiting to be adopted. Nerves are trying to get the best of you, but no! You won’t give in. You are on a mission! The perfect swimsuit must be there, somewhere, waiting for you!

What’s in fashion?

The trends for summer 2010 are graphics and geometrical patterns. Some swimwear is reminiscent of the fifties giving you that superb glamour look! Animal prints which first appeared in 2009 are still going strong and have become a must have classic.

Right Swimsuit for Your Body Shape

You’ve zoomed in on a few… Now what? If you are not too sure of your size, get measured up especially for the bust. There’s nothing worse than a ill-fitting bra: you will be uncomfortable and your general demeanor will look droopy. Also, a bikini bottom which is too small will cut your fabulous curves and enhance a muffin top! Do not hesitate to ask a shop associate for assistance!

Slim: A cute tie-up bikini is the ideal shape for you especially if your bust is small. Go for bold designs, graphics and animal prints. Let your imagination run wild!

Athletic: The bikini style shorty is great for you! Choose a low rise. Also go for girly motifs, frills, flowers and other feminine prints. If you choose something too strict or conservative, you will end up looking like a life guard!

Curvy bottom: Avoid high legged briefs and go for a low rise which will lengthen your legs. Stay away from stripes and big flower motifs. This year, the brazilian cut bikini brief is for you!

Big busted: Stay away from push up bikini bras and choose one with good support, and proper straps. Spaghetti style straps will cut your shoulders and hurt your back. Remember a swimsuit should enhance your assets!

Small bust: Go for a push up bra, and go for decorated bikini bras.

Yummy Tummy: Some great one piece swimsuit have a discreet tummy control area which ensure a slim line. Play around with sarongs.

Remember to always try on your swimwear to avoid any unwanted surprises when you are about to hit the beach! Have a great summer!

Style Your Hair – Learn How to Make Hair Bows

Hair bows are quite trendy and often give a very gorgeous look to your hair, if in case you intend to make it into a bun or want to tie it up, hair bows are a must-have hair accessory. You can easily make a hair bow at home and also decorate it according to your own wish.

Materials required
The materials needed for making a bow at home are ribbons, headband, rubber band, hot glue and clear tape. And of course, glitter and decorations depending on the style you want. Now before making a bow, you need to have a rough idea of what exactly is it that you want. Either you want to make a simple bow or make a bow on your headband or on a hair clip.

Correct measurement
Once you have decided on the style and on the required object, it’s time for you to start measuring and cutting out the ribbon. The standard measurement for a small bow is around three inches and more for larger bows. Next, you will need to secure the center point of the ribbon and tape it up on the table, so that it can easily be tied into a knot. Pull both sides of the ribbon and pull the right side under the left to make a tight knot.

Make strong loops
Now, the next step is to create loops. Make two loops and then pull in the left side of the ribbon into the loop and fix the size of the loops. Now pull the bow tight and evenly, so that it is tightly secured and the sides may not be loose.

Decorate with glitter
Now take the center of the knot, dab a bit of glue onto it and stick it in the center of the headband. Secure the bow and the headband and leave it to dry completely before using it. Now if you want your bows to look more beautiful, put in some glitter, decorate it with some smaller ribbons and give it a really beautiful shape.

With these basic instructions, you are bound to make a beautiful bow at home and flaunt it around with your hair, making you look prettier than ever!

Dressing Tips for Busty Women

If you have a busty body, then here are some tips to help you choose the right dresses that will make you look attractive:

The first thing to do is to identify your body characteristics. Identify whether the arms are full or thin, whether you have a wide back, whether you have a well defined waist etc. Accordingly you will have to choose your dress style and the dress type.

If you have full breasts, then you should choose shirts and tops that will help you look slimmer. Shirts and T-shirts with V and U neckline should be chosen. They will make your breasts look higher and more proportioned. Choose tank tops with wider straps. They will hide your shoulders slightly and the wide straps will draw attention more and hence the illusion of high breasts will be witnessed.

Avoid tight fabrics and any clothes that are made of stretchy material. Anything that you wear on top of your shirt or the T-Shirt will just go on to make you look smarter. For example, a jacket over a shirt will not only yield a contrast but also will be able to highlight your features without them being under unnecessary limelight. They tend to define the shape of your chest and also enhance the beauty of your waist.

When it comes to choosing a skirt or pants, go for A-Line skirts and wide legged pants. These will make your bust look more proportionate with the rest of your body. If you wear them lower on the waist, then they will give the effect of an enhanced torso. Wear pencil skirts as they will highlight your smaller waist and if you have broad hips, then this skirt will make it seem like you have an hourglass figure.

If you have to choose dresses, then the best and the most fitting option would be to go for a wrap dress. The wrap dress usually allows an onlooker to look towards the body parts where the dress is converging. Therefore, if you have a thinner waist, then the waist will be highlighted, accentuating broad shoulders and proportionate bust. Choose your clothes right and look elegant and glamorous, like you only should!